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September 21, 1998
untitled (February 1996)
[Karen's Notes]
New Student:
Shannon Jordan (male)
7th grade SSMS
Mom: Cathy (394-4409
after 5pm)
Reading Comprehension
Test-Taking Strategies
Application of Material
English (Paper Topic:
Jesse Jackson), Social Studies, Science, Math, Reading
Writes L to R mirror
Suggest self-correction
with red pen, color-coded index cards
3/1/93 Shannon's teacher
had him contact me. Tutor 2x/wk (summer too)
3/7/93 Rec'd letter from
Mrs. Webb. Plays in class, brings no homework. Low self-esteem, few friends.
4/14/93 Low involvement.
Transferring out of Mrs. Webb's class.
5/7/93 Rec'd good report
from Mrs. Emerson. Great attitude in class. Getting organized.
7/1/93 Good work. Excited
about 8th grade!
New Student:
grade SSMS
Brian Freedman 7th
Mom: Beth (396-1091)
Reading Comprehension
leaving IRR after 7th grade
Language Arts esp.
grammar (plurals, subj./verb agreement, contractions)
baseball, basketball,
street hockey
reading very good
great manners!
3/31/93 Met his mom (high
commitment), contract for tutoring 2x/wk.
4/9/93 Set goals.
5/1/93 When focused,
does good work.
5/21/93 No show! (Baseball
6/12/93 Amazing work.
Very "on-target"
[Letter from Kids]
Good Luck, Karen!
We know you will do great
in California!
We will miss you, but
hope you have fun there anyways. Thanks for everything.
Brian #12
Shannon #7
Go Lions!
[Letters from Karen]
13 September 1993
I'm writing to you from
Los Angeles. It's crazy out here! I'm not tutoring yet I've been
too busy going on auditions! But I wanted to send a copy of my headshot
to you. I hope you like it.
I'm eager to hear how the 8th grade is going for you. I think we did so much good work in getting you prepared for pre-algebra and the term paper class. Please write soon and let me know what's going on. You are a very special young man and I expect great things from you!
Tell your mother hello for me.
All the best,
PS I have your letter
up on my wall. It keeps me going!
PS2- I'd love a school
photo. Could you send one?
13 September 1993
I'm writing to you from Los Angeles. It's crazy out here! I'm not tutoring yet I've been too busy going on auditions... nothing too exciting yet! But I did want to send a copy of my headshot to you. I hope you like it.
I'm eager to hear how the 8th grade is going for you. I think we did so much good work in getting you prepared for leaving Resource Reading and entering at the 8th grade level. How are you doing in that class?
Please write soon and let me know what's going on. How's your game this season?
All the best,
PS I have your letter
up on my wall. It keeps me going!
PS2 I'd love a
school photo. Could you send one?
[Letters from Kids]
Dear Karen,
I don't look like this anymore, but this is my school piture for you anyways. Are you comeing home for Christmas? I don't have a tutor anymore.
Shannon Jordan #7
Hi Karen,
What's up in L.A.? Have
you met any movie stars yet? Did you see the any famous
people on your audition? I don't have a picture but our team picture is
next week. Shannon's mom moved him out of 8A2 last week but, our lockers
are still near to each others. Are you tutoring? You helped me alot.
"C Ya" Soon,
[Letters from Karen]
Shannon, Ms. Jordan,
I hope this note finds you well. Just wanted to wish you both a Merry Christmas and all wonderful things in the new year!
To catch you up: I didn't end up getting into the school system at all out here. Mainly, it was because of certification requirements and a bunch of other things going on in my life but it also had something to do with the metal detectors at the front doors of the schools. Yuck! What a crazy world!
Instead, I've been on stage, on TV, and running from place to place both for my career and as a mentor in a youth theatre program. I'm paired up with a kid who used to be in a gang. He's VERY talented. It means a lot to me to see a play he's written make its way onto the stage.
Remember, Shannon, it means a lot to me that you do well too. I haven't forgotten all of the work that we did. You and Brian both showed such improvement last year! Be proud! School's tough and you guys stuck with it. Keep it up!
Well, I hope you'll catch me up on what it's like being a big 8th grader! Brian tells me you two aren't in the same homeroom this year. Do you still hang out?
Let me hear from you, Shannon.
Merry Christmas,
Merry Christmas Brian,
I hope you have a great holiday!
To catch you up: I didn't end up getting into the school system at all out here. Mainly, it was because of certification requirements but it also had something to do with the metal detectors at the front doors of the schools. Yuck! What a crazy world! Instead, I've been acting and working with a youth theatre program. It's fun.
Well, I hope you'll send a photo soon. Good luck with your team this season!
Merry Christmas,
[Letter to Karen]
Dear Karen,
I won't be playing baseball this year. My momma says I need to spend more time in school. I'm doing okay, I might go to my Dad's this summer. If I do, I can swim at his pool and stuff like that with my half-sisters. I can't wait for the summer to get here. I have Mrs. Webb again and she doesn't like me, but you knew all about that. I'll still try to play baseball when I pass reading.
Shannon Jordan #7
[Letters from Karen]
28 April 1994
Unlike you, I can't afford the phone bill, so I'm going to jot this out and then YOU call me (heh heh)!
Couple of things right off: how the Hell did you work this city? I'm assuming that I'm just not "in" with the whole networking, schmoozing, ass-kissing, plastic-breasts, no-talent thing. I'm doing the right stuff, or so it seems, but I can't seem to connect with anything. My agent keeps sending me out on this crap that has me bounding around on a beach and I want to do something of substance. Is it time to change agencies? Try NY? Shift to singing? Do a commercial or two?
Next thing... like I told you on the phone, I'm completely baffled by this tutoring kid's situation. He just needs a little encouragement but his mom is SO hard on him. I know she's doing the Single Mom Thing and that's not easy, but she's making him drop the one thing that gives him any personality (and hope, maybe?) and now he's thinking of going to his dad's. Do I call his mom, write to her, contact her in some way in an attempt to let her know that she doing some damage here? Is that my responsibility? I'm really concerned for his development. You know what a crucial age 13 is! I haven't been in touch with him since I did my usual "Xmas Letter." Is this a good way to reestablish contact??
Okay, so solve my life on those two and then I'll do you. Are you still seeing Jason? You certainly are mentioning him less if you are.... Whatever happened with the NBC deal? Fill me in, sweetie. And come out to LA so that I don't have to be the only one here panicking with every aftershock. WHY would anyone settle a town on a fault line??
Love galore,
2 July 1994
I have news! I'm coming home!! Yeah, that's right; LA isn't all it's cracked up to be. Don't get me wrong, I've loved being out here most of the time but sometimes it's been rough.
Did you hear about the earthquake back in January? Well, it was pretty awful. I have cracks all over my walls and most of my stuff is broken. Still, I know that I'm lucky just for having lived through it, right?
I didn't want to move right away because I really did want to give this place a year. But I've gone on fewer auditions and even stopped mentoring ViDonm. I just don't like being so far away from home.
So, I'll be back before the school year begins (ooh, 9th grade for you... high school! Wow!). I don't know if you need me anymore, but I suppose I'll be tutoring again, just the same. Let's try to talk even if it's just about baseball and stuff.
I'm looking forward to seeing you. Take care & tell your mother hello.
12 July 1994
Well, I made it a year! Yep, I'm going through with it. I've already booked the movers. I'd like to believe what you said about there being more than the choice of LA or Home. Yes, I could come to NY and shack with you... God, that's tempting. But I don't know if I can handle rejection on both coasts. I'm thinking Home is safe and then, once I'm over this whole "LA Thing," I can venture out again. Will you still have me?
Call me when you get his letter (I maxed out the Visa to get a plane ticket... I want a fast arrival home). You know the story!
Love beyond all,
[Letters to Karen]
July 20, 1994
Pack your winter coat, baby! Have I got a birthday present for you! They're giving me 13 episodes and I can have any costar I want! Yes, read that again it's TRUE! Why did you deactivate your beeper so soon?? How am I supposed to reach you with the good news? Just the same, get here. We go up in two weeks! Call me (212) 834-9207 call collect. Hell, just show up! It's on, baby!!
This slipped through the postal service and sat in your empty mailbox for awhile. Found it when we rented the place out to a new tenant (a drag queen!). From the looks of the show, you're doing well. But, we miss you out here!
Joe Ferreri
Dear Karen,
How are you! I am doing fine. I'm a nineth grader now. I am sorry I didn't write back until now, I hope you're not mad. I have some very sad news. Brian Freedman has passed away. He went on a school ski trip in 8th grade and hit a tree. He was in a coma for a while then started to recover. He came back to school to finish the 8th grade year. In 9th grade he became ill again with a genetic decease. In Late November early December he died. He was a great friend and all who knew him really misses him.
Shannon Jordan
Go #7
Shannon Jordan
[Letters from Karen]
20 May 1995
I've started this letter so many times, but I can't seem to get it finished. Maybe I keep writing things that need to be written but that you don't necessarily need to read. Who knows? I'm babbling already.
First off, I've moved again. My old landlord sent your letter to me in January. Your letter, Shannon, shocked me. I guess that's to be expected but I can't seem to put the feeling away. I've read and reread your letter, composed several letters to you, to Brian's family, written in my journal, all in an attempt to finish the feeling. Does that make sense?
I'm so sad about Brian. I really am. I think what has me even more emotional, though, is that you wrote to me. I know you are busy with school and you took the time to write to me and tell me about Brian. Shannon, you are VERY strong to have done that. I know it couldn't have been easy for you to start that letter. Does it hurt to talk about it? Or does it help? I can just see you deciding that you have to write me about this. You are a remarkable young man. It means so much to me that you wrote me. I just can't explain. It's weird. I've lost touch with all of my students somehow but you wanted to be sure that I knew. I hadn't heard from Brian since I moved to LA. I know losing Brian has been tough for you and probably for everyone in your school.
I guess I just want to say thank you for writing.
Merry Christmas, Shannon!
I guess you're in the 10th grade now! Is that possible? Are you driving yet?! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and that you and your mother are doing well.
I'm on my own again. The show didn't get picked up for next season. So, it's back to independence (probably for the best). Maybe I'll see if I can do some tutoring.
[Letter returned to sender]
Posted by bonnie at September 21, 1998 7:02 PM