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January 18, 1999

Jenny Craig

I'd been back in LA for a week when I restarted Jenny Craig. I think I need the structure of prepackaged, planned meals and snacks right now, while in this time of major transition. I'd only put on five pounds in the three week hiatus from JC (awesome, considering XMas, New Year's, Partying Like a Porn Star before leaving Athens, and a major move into a roommate situation for the first time in eight years).

Posted by bonnie at 4:42 PM

January 11, 1999

Babe2000 Kickoff

So far, most of my exercise has been incidental. I'm eager to get back on a regimen of daily exercise, or at least a few days each week of working up a really good sweat. I plan on using Dawn's treadmill and phenomenal size-six wardrobe as incentive!

Bonnie's Statement: I started out on 24 July 1998, weighing in at 205 lbs. I was also only two weeks into my 28th year... for some reason, a very depressing birthday to me. Here I was, living in Athens, working on my Instructional Technology PhD full time, and slowly realizing that I was stalling. It was time to get my ass in gear and live the life I fantasized about. Here's the two questions I asked myself:

* What would I do money were no object whatsoever?
* What would I do if everyone I knew were dead? (this is not to be morbid, but to examine which things in life I do only b/c of what others may think)

So, here I am, six months later, 30 pounds lighter, a grad school drop-out, 3000 miles away from home, and still with four solid months of body and soul work to do before plunging back into the life I truly love: performing.

* Weight Goal: 150 lbs. by 11 July 1999 (total loss of 55 lbs. in one year)

Posted by bonnie at 4:39 PM