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August 18, 2000
Updated My Site
Would Like Feedback
Okay, first of all, getting obsessed with updating my website (and eliminating the more *personal* elements - due to WAY more traffic lately than just my fam & friends back home) yields a 4am bedtime. Yawn!
Still, I think I did most of what I wanted to do. Still need to add a bunch of hand modeling and singing stuff, plus get the whole password-protected side coded and uploaded, but, that's for another night. L O N G day of clienting, auditioning, rehearsing, and performing tomorrow, so it's time to sleep.
If you would, please, take a trip over there and LMK your thoughts.
I've registered www.bonniegillespie.com and am just waiting for the pointer thingy to kick in (48 hours)? G'nite!
Posted by bonnie at 3:46 AM
August 13, 2000
A Positive (?) Review
I'm in "The Secret Nymph of New Hyde Park" at the American Renegade Theatre.
Okay, so, LA Weekly said, "Bonnie Gillespie is excellent..." and I joked in my stand-up that it's not me, but my breasts that are getting that review.
Finally, after six or seven reviews that dance around the subject(s), there is a review that comes right out and says it!
Now THAT'S material for my act! Finally! Strange place, this town.
Hope y'all can come check the show out. LA Times and BackStageWest hated it, but they both ran photos - which are really getting people in (more than the good reviews elsewhere - go figure).
Thanks, gang!
Posted by bonnie at 10:35 PM
August 10, 2000
All righty! (So tempted to type "alrighty" as one word, but since alright is not a word, I guess I have to extend my hyper-anal-about-non-existent-words-like-awholenother to stuff like "righty" too!) Okay, so back to what I was starting to write: Just finished two weeks of pet-sitting, have a day at home, then another four days of pet-sitting again (cats this time). I've also had more auditions in the past few days than I'd had in weeks or even months back in the spring. In the immortal words of Farmer Ted, "This is getting good." [Yes, that's a "16 Candles" reference. Can't help it.]
Haven't been to Krav Maga since before Dawn left for Greece (in June). She's back, and it's time to get back to it, but I'm still working out some issues revealed on our "lost weekend" in Coronado. I'll be back there, just not 'til I figure it all out.
Accepting my body has been an amazing tool in furthering my career. The folks in charge of this crazy business are responding more to this confidence than they ever did to a smaller waistline. Who knew! Now, I just have to work on my stand-up act. The only thing that seems to get laughs is whatever is on my mind that day. If I write it down or rehearse at all, it's no longer funny. But my stream-of-consciousness babble works tremendously well.
I now, officially, have fans. For that reason, I am going to separate out my website into Private and Public sectors. I just got really weirded out after the play one night, when I was pawed at, hugged, and stopped by dozens of people on the way out of the theatre. I mean, I love knowing my work has touched someone, I was just unprepared for the comfort others felt in my personal space after sharing that time in the theatre. So, I have to realize that this is what I asked for, this is the life I've prayed for, worked for, and planned for. Now, I have to be ready for all aspects of that life. So, that's what I'm working on right now. Once I make these sites separate, you can email me for a password to the private one. Coming soon....
Posted by bonnie at 5:11 PM