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August 18, 2000

Updated My Site

Would Like Feedback

Okay, first of all, getting obsessed with updating my website (and eliminating the more *personal* elements - due to WAY more traffic lately than just my fam & friends back home) yields a 4am bedtime. Yawn!

Still, I think I did most of what I wanted to do. Still need to add a bunch of hand modeling and singing stuff, plus get the whole password-protected side coded and uploaded, but, that's for another night. L O N G day of clienting, auditioning, rehearsing, and performing tomorrow, so it's time to sleep.

If you would, please, take a trip over there and LMK your thoughts.

I've registered www.bonniegillespie.com and am just waiting for the pointer thingy to kick in (48 hours)? G'nite!

Posted by bonnie at August 18, 2000 03:46 AM