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September 07, 2001
Staying SAG-Eligible
Okay, so... I have a couple of reasons for staying SAG-eligible right now.
1. $$$$$ (lack of).
2. I went on a self-imposed acting hiatus after my mom passed away, as I didn't think my emotional health could take the acting biz's ups and downs for a few months. During that time (didja notice my absence from the board *and* The Boards?), I was hired by Sundance, booked a great long-term voiceover gig, and saw my various writing projects pick up significantly. I've found that I am completely fulfilled by this life.
3 (which is 1 + 2). I only became eligible just prior to that hiatus, so why rush to get the money together when I felt, for my mental health, I needed to *not* act for a bit?
I've just recently accepted a couple of acting gigs in an attempt to ease myself back in and see if my passion is still there.
I think, in light of the fact that I've had any doubt of that (or rather, in light of the fact that I wanted to be sure there was no doubt of that) delaying the transition from SAG-eligible to SAG has been a wise choice.
Still haven't made up my mind, and I'm not rushing to do so.
Posted by bonnie at September 7, 2001 10:44 PM