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February 19, 2002
ActorsBon: Not To Sound Cheesy
Dear Bonnie,
I just wanted to send you a quick note thanking you for a great discussion on Saturday at AIA. In case you were wondering, I'm the guy who asked about "Feedback." I guess the follow up question was not clear. I wanted to find a balance between getting feedback from CDs without having to jeopardize your relationship with them. I guess, with everything, it can be done through relationships and proper communication.
I really enjoy your column in Back Stage West and am an avid fan (Although I did not want to say it publicly without sounding... cheesy). The information that you gave us is not only helpful but special. Keep up the excellent work and I'll hopefully see you again.
- Aaron, Future Working Actor
Dear Aaron,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me. I love what I do (both writing for and talking with actors), so it's always a bonus to be thanked for doing what I love. I would say, as far as feedback goes, try to get it from sources other than CDs right now. During the February-March pilot season, even CDs who aren't doing pilots themselves feel the stress of the schedule. So, if you are in a class or doing plays, working with others in the industry, ask for feedback from those folks right now. You'll get some info that you can learn from as well as maintain your relationships with casting professionals (without taxing them right now). Hope that helps! Thanks again for being a fan! We all need those, right? ;)
Take care, and keep doing good work!
- Bon
Posted by bonnie at February 19, 2002 05:11 PM
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