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February 24, 2002

Chip! Love the Benz.

It's so bitchin'! Very very cool. Hey, is your hair really long?

Amy, the exploding dog thing sounds very creepy. Glad everything is okay.

Oh, here's my Trading Spaces self. Don't know this chick, so you'll have to tell me whether I should feel insulted or not.

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

I WANT TACO STAND! I so miss it!

Oh, I learned, that when you travel far to visit a Chick-fil-A and then fill out a comment card, you'll get, not one, but FOUR coupons for free Chick-fil-As AND a personal note from the manager, who is also from Atlanta. I like that!

Chip, I love the long and weird pic. Very clean room, dude. Or is that why we can't see the floor? ;)

Courtney - help! We nurtured a little Jude Plant thingy and it got little roots and new tops, so Keith planted it and put it outside... and it died. Boo hoo! Now what?

Oh, and kick the ass of that evil neighbor woman.

Sorry... festive mood tonight. Got my article turned in and it's a new Alias in a few hours. Tah!

Posted by bonnie at February 24, 2002 06:25 PM