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February 23, 2002
Coke Cake
2 c. Flour
2 c. Sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
2 sticks margarine, softened
4 tbsp. Cocoa
1 c. Coke
1 c. Buttermilk
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Vanilla
Use any chocolate fudge icing or, if you make your icing from scratch, use Coke as a source of liquid and sweetness, as it will really add to the "theme" of each bite.
Preheat to 400F
Sift flour, sugar, cinnamon
Melt marg in saucepan, add cocoa & Coke & bring to rapid boil
Pour over flour mix & stir
Add buttermilk, eggs, baking soda, vanilla - mix well
Pour into 9x13 pan, bake 20 min.
cool & ice
Sooooo ungodly yummy.
Posted by bonnie at February 23, 2002 02:40 PM
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