February 3, 2002
Thank you, Chip for the 411 on the P'Zone. I think we'll do the rest of the English Muffin Mini Pizzas here tonight, but consider that for another day. Gotta get past the whole, "Rooty Tooty Fresh-n-Fruity" aspect of the name.
I am so going to try The Grit's Yeast Gravy... but see, I don't cook. I even have a George Foreman Grill and haven't used it (it was a housewarming gift... uh... 10 months ago). Not that I would use the Grill for the Gravy, but you see what I'm trying to say about cooking and me.
I'm still happy about having found the Chick-fil-A in Redondo Beach. Yum, yum, and more yum.
Posted by bonnie at February 3, 2002 8:23 PM