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March 14, 2002
Hi Bloggers
First off - did my Madd Libs Oscar Speech thingy not come through? I posted it in the TV Blog, so that you could have an opportunity to write your speech before the telecast. Hmm. Lemme see if I can find the link. Ahh... here 'tis: Oscar Speech.
Now... Who watched the Boxing Match on Fox last night? Wow! No surprises in the outcome. I missed Danny's radio show this morning, though. I'm sure it was quite entertaining. Anyone lose money on this crazy event? Ideas of who will be up next?
Blog Comments:
Amy - Thank you for the 411. Very cool to go back and forth to NY and Boston (two favorite cities of mine, along with San Fran, Athens, and DC... hmm... it's like all of my cities are represented in Chippernet. That's so cool). Anyway, I know nothing of Brooklyn, so I guess I really don't know what I'm talking about. Big bummer about the lockers at Penn Station. One of my favorite things to do as a Delta Brat is fly to a city I love with a backpack for a change of clothes, store the airplane dress in the locker at the main terminal and go exploring for the day. I'm guessing that's all out of the question now. I've only taken one flight since 9/11 and that was to Sacramento to see Keith's fam.
Andy - Yay! Good for you! I quit a few years ago! Don't be big tobacco's bitch! Yay for you! Stay strong and watch how healthy you'll feel by summer! Woo hoo!
Big Mike - I so want digital pics of your world. That barber pole story was almost as good as the hotdog one. Keep 'em coming -- and don't get deported! That would suck. Oh, did you do anything touristy yet like go visit the "Axis of Evil" exhibit?
Chip - If you see anything in Athens paying $45k, that's a good thing. Nice high salary for that standard of living. I've only had a couple of jobs (back before freelancing) and the benefits were not included in the total salary I was told I earned. Generally, the benefit packages, if quantified, would be about $8k - $10k, which is a pretty big chunk of the income contracted. Hope that info helps. No matter what, I'm sure you're being underpaid at the Academy, but that's just from my own personal experience there.
Hey, tell me more about your mom building a new house! Will she move the doggie graves?
Courtney - I've only watched about three episodes of the X Files since Duchovny left, and I think two of those were ones where he made a guest appearance or something. Such a damn shame. Yes, the idea is that he will come back for the season (and series) ender and wrap all mysteries up. I hope I remember to watch, but honestly, my heart's not in that show anymore.
I agree that Mike's Blog is way entertaining. Hey Chip, is there a way to list on the main page when each Blog was last updated? I'm just so lazy that I've quit clicking on Cash's, Sean's, and Jenny's Blogs -- and almost missed out on Andy's, but just happened to click on it today.
Yes, Courtney, I guess we shocked the poor little jade plant. We started it out in water and then put it in soil after about two months of it growing new little roots and buds, and, that same day, put it outside, and it was cold that night. So... lots of shock to its system. Oh well, we'll try again. Thanks for the info. I'm just so clueless about all things plant-like.
Glad you like the photo of the cats. They are holy terrors. But I love them so much! Such a nice piece of Mom's energy to have in my life. They really are her two sides, so to speak. As I type this, Archie (the great pumpkin) is sitting on the cordless phone, dialing... well, Big Mike in Korea, probably. Gotta extract that phone before he makes a connection to who knows where. Talented kids, these.
Keith's recovery is coming along, thanks for asking. He's in a lot of pain (shoulder, mainly) and all of his road rash is healing nicely. His big issue is the shoulder stuff and it's pretty bad. Bad news for me is, I pinched a nerve in my back the other day and I had to take his Vicodin. Big scary, being a former pain killer addict, to take anything, but I was in so much pain, I had no choice. Still pretty sore today. Sucks.
Catch Phrase sounds awesome. I am so putting that on my list!
Dera - Yay! Glad to see you blogging again. And I really like the rock pics in your template. Very pretty. And it's wonderful that you survived the ride in the Big Benz. Does Chip have a suitable nickname for the car yet?
Sara - LOL about Big Mike posting from Portland. I really like that idea! Ha ha!
Shelley - YES! Please do share the bike-type lawyer contacts with me! I got an email address from Chip (he's pretty sure it's your address) and emailed you to ask the same, so sorry if this is a duplicate request, but I wanted to be sure to get your attention and definitely take you up on your kind offer to help us connect with someone here. Yes, it was the driver's fault. Already, his insurance company is calling with a settlement offer. Keith is too nice about that kind of stuff. He never wants it to appear that he's taking advantage of anyone, so he's now pretty sure he needs to defer to an expert in the matter, to keep him from being silly and accepting a settlement that will really only cover the cost of the ambulance ride. Again, thanks. Keith has learned that riding a bike in a non-bike-friendly town is not a good idea (even though he was in the frickin' bike lane)!
Susan - Ew to the Phillip Morris employee benefit story. I am SO sharing that with everyone I know. Just really evil! Thanks for the laugh.
Stephanie W. - What are you testing in Amsterdam?
Tina - Congrats on the 4% increase. That's almost a "you rock" raise. ;)
Okay, gang, that's it for me. I'm in too much pain to sit up right now and I really need to finish my article for the paper. Tomorrow is a Nurse Bonnie day for D (errands and such). Her next surgery is Monday. Keep us in your thoughts.
Barry's book
My epiphany of the night: I live my life like an interviewer on the red carpet. I'm listening to you. I'm asking (somewhat) intelligent questions. I'm right there with you. But I'm constantly looking just over your shoulder, in case someone better is coming up the path. Now, that's deep. [from Dead Laszlo's Oscar Wrap Edition, 2001]
Posted by bonnie at March 14, 2002 01:52 PM