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October 31, 2002
What a day!
And the exclamation point is only there because of grammatical correctness, not because I mean it excitedly.
I want to thank Keith for everything he is and apologize for everything I am.
That sucks.
Moving on...
I attended a really neat comedy show last night at the Comedy Union. It was supposed to be some sort of chick night, but somehow there were more men than women on stage. What the heck is that about? Anyway, cousin Faith was brilliant, as usual. A young lady named Christa was phenomenal. She's already gotten in touch with the 15 Minutes of Fem folk about next round. Good. I'm glad she acted on that suggestion. She's got something pretty amazing. Melissa was excellent too, although very blue. Totally wonderful stuff, though.
I have to check the website to see if it's officially announced yet, but FEM is... oh shoot, it's not officially announced yet. Scratch that. Gotta edit. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH Outrageous! I can't wait.
It's tres cool, some of the stuff that's been happening. When the press release went out about the casting director panel I'm hosting next week, I started getting calls from casting directors who want to be involved in future panels. One of them is the head of casting for Oxygen Network. Well, I realized, when we set up our plans to meet next week, that she would LOVE the FEM thing I can't talk about. So, she's coming to check out Faith! Woo hoo! Love how the universe works!
I've decided I'm going to contribute to the online tributes to Faith by creating her official site for her. She was so flattered when I told her about the plan, but honestly, it's just something I feel I MUST do. I mean, c'mon! She just became a "tradable life form" on the official Star Trek trading life-form site, or whatever. That's huge, right?
I guess I've decided I'm too lame to enjoy the Super Hero Generator thingy. I didn't like any of my choices, nor did I understand them. Damn, I'm literal.

We've designed a color postcard to promote the book (scannable ISBN barcode and everything... so very hi-tech). Oh, its blue lines came and went in the last 24 hours. Dammit, if there weren't changes to make AGAIN. I am very sad that I didn't catch EVERY LITTLE THING as I did the last 20 freekin' edits. Of course, last night, Faith gave me a very glass-half-full way to look at it: "Your OCD isn't so in-control of you anymore." That's probably true. There are pluses to being over 30.
What else? Keith got cast in TWO plays last week. One is a holiday play in which he plays some cool city-slicker Santa who sings. Another is "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," which, of course, is perfect for him. I'm thrilled that he has so much work under his belt in such a short time in this town. Really amazing.
Y'know that whole "definition of insanity is trying to get different results by doing the same thing over and over again" thing? Well, I've decided that that's the point I've reached with the paper. I keep turning my articles in WAY EARLY and providing more than enough information about the schedule, photo needs, etc., and effin' EVERY week, I get an email from my editor asking where the story is. DUH! IT'S IN YOUR INBOX!! I'm just so "Hoochie Momma!!!" about it. Isn't that what they yelled instead of, "Serenity NOW!" on "Seinfeld." I think that's right.
I wonder what Keith's son is dressing up as tonight. I think he's into some new character I don't know about. Earlier in the year, it was SpongeBob SquarePants, but I think now he's into Johnny somebody. Can't recall who. Last year, he went as Picachu. Adorable.
I miss baseball. Already.
Chip, I loved your Googlism, so I tried it too! Googlism for: bonnie gillespie
bonnie gillespie is excellent
bonnie gillespie is excellent as the john's aggrieved spouse
bonnie gillespie is a regent university
bonnie gillespie is now a regular contributor to backstage west
bonnie gillespie is the plumber's straight
Items one, two, and five are all reviews from the same play: "The Secret Nymph of New Hyde Park," a farce I did in the summer of 2000. Item four is true, and has been since June of 2000. Item three... that ain't me. I never finished my PhD. No regrets.
Chip, how was "Punch-Drunk Love?" I like your DC pics. Are you using PhotoTimeSaviour? Susan looks great! So do you, as always. ;)
David: I SO miss ORT. And Ballard. Gotta miss Ballard. This, that you said, is brilliant: "The fact that Susan and Sean were drinking Pepsi leads me to believe that there was at least one person trying to annoy another. On the positive side, it wasn't in Ottawa." Absolutely ADORE your publishing/editing superhero names. Truly.
Trevor, I'll see what I can do to back-link or whatever. I am SO into your whole "Joe vs. the Volcano" luggage set. I worship that movie. Greatness.
Stephanie W., Tina, I am so into y'all dressing up. LOVE that spirit. Really. Also, I agree on the whole Pilates WITH folks issue. Oh, man, can I tell you how happy I was when Krispy Kreme deemed Southern California worthy of a store. < homer drool>ahhhhhhhh. Krispy Kreme< / homer drool>
Oh, poor Courtney, I am so sorry about the Italian words and the proof! Ack! Having just dealt with my own blue lines, I cannot even IMAGINE facing someone else's and having to hope to catch more the next time through. I was SO happy to just fax the changes (we compromised on FIVE at $15/each, and saved the other few for the second edition) today and SIGN OFF!! Augh! So ready to have it done. I've been sequestered for the past three days. Pet sitting for the five-cat-lady and I chose NOT to take the laptop. Instead, I took the huge box o' goodies for the second book and spent a TON of time doing the initial organization. Still much to do, but getting there!! I realize that the ONLY time I can devote to the second book is the time while the first book is being printed. After it's out, I'm on tour!
Courtney, when you say, "Chicken Pot Pie," over and over again, are you doing it like the character Donnie in "Just Shoot Me?" If not, you MUST become acquainted with this genius character. Just brilliant, and a reason for ME to love saying "Chicken Pot Pie" over and over again.
I love that you're going to town for Chip's b'day. That's so awesome! Absolutely 100% agree on what the best time(s) of the year is/are in Athens. You nailed it. I used the make-your-own-splint thing for my TMJ and teeth-grinding. Didn't break my jaw. Ended up on the floor in the middle of the night a few times. Drat! Hey, use grits for your ants. Seriously. I've seen it work! They eat it and expand and die. They tell each other through their death pheromones and they never come back.
OMG, Big Mike, I almost split my pants laughing over your "I got a ROK." For those of you not in the know, Big Mike is in Korea and that makes that saying/spelling just effin' brilliant! Woo hoo!
I'm sorry I have no advice on the digital camera buying thing. I got mine as a gift from someone who was "upgrading and didn't want to lose money on an eBay sale," so she took the higher write-off from giving it away. I do like it, though. It's an Olympus Camedia thingy. Very nice. D-340-R is the model number. I like it a lot.
A friend from way back (hey, Deb!) said she found it really weird that I "have my whole life" out here on the Internet. I was like, "Huh?" I guess, if you really know me, you know that there is only a FRACTION of my life actually "out there," but if you know me only a little bit, you think, "dear GAWD, how could that woman put so much of herself out there?" I can see that. Still, trust me... this ain't nuthin'!
Oh, for the coolest holiday decorations, check The Wolfesden. It's an actor's board, but dang did Beth make it purdy!
BTW... I know my "Blind Date" episode was really boring, but why the heck could it never be aired, if they could air this evil witch woman's date and this scary "Mercury Man Gets Naked" date I just saw? Ugh. TV.
All righty, I think that be it. Happy Halloweeny, folks! It's soooo spooky! Tee hee!
Posted by bonnie at October 31, 2002 6:12 PM