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April 21, 2003

Netscape is the fix!

So, here's the magic trick.

OSX + Haloscan + Blogger + Archives + Internet Explorer = bad bad bad

OSX + Upsaid + BlogSnob + Internet Explorer = good good good

OSX + Haloscan + Blogger + Archives + Netscape 7 = shiny and happy and the feeling of *phew* that comes with debugging and unbugging and bugging out in general.

BonBlogs, v. 1.1, is back.

Now...to add the BlogSnob thingy to the dang thing.

I'll save that for another day of needing procrastination material.

Meanwhile, I have NO idea what to wear tonight! Eeeeek. Such a girl, suddenly!

Posted by bonnie at April 21, 2003 08:51 AM