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May 10, 2003
So far...
Casting Qs has made $8303.64. Cool. It's now more than paid for its own printing cost.
Of course, we haven't seen any of that money yet, as it comes through the distributor. Our first check was due 5/5. Damn, Mercury Retrograde... let it come on through!!
BTW, I'm spending the weekend on the phone with all sorts of singles age 21-30 from all over the country who we're flying in starting tomorrow for producer callbacks on Paradise Hotel.
I like that I'm able to do this part of the job from home.
OMG, since I started typing this at 7:29pm, I've now been on the phone with another contestant about what to expect, doing a pre-visit interview. I still really really really really like this job. A lot.
Hectic, crazy, busy, but so very gratifying.
Keith's play opens next week. He's a happy actor.
OH!! Watch Dragnet on Sunday for Faith Salie (best friend for 20 years). Keith's next TV appearances will be two episodes of Scene of the Crime on June 5th. Yay! Me? Well... my name can be seen in the credits of Mr. Personality for another couple of weeks. ;)
Happy Mother's Day, you mothers!!
Posted by bonnie at May 10, 2003 09:04 PM