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September 1, 2003
When I lived alone, my spice rack was alphabetized. I knew what spices and seasonings I had on hand simply by looking at the rack and reading down to the letter of the alphabet in question and seeing room for something in some recipe somewhere.
Not that I ever cooked.
When I lived alone, my CDs were alphabetized. My video tapes were alphabetized. My books... no, not alphabetized, but certainly grouped by subject matter and then in chronological order by author as needed.
Do I value this sense of order more than my partnership with an amazing man who cooks for me, plays music for me, and selects books to bring to me in the bubble bath when I need time alone?
Not on your life could you think I'd say yes to that.
The alphabet is entirely overrated. So what if we have three (not two, not one... but three) thymes in the cabinet due to lack of OCD-maintenance of the kitchen! Like I'd know what to do with thyme anyway!
Posted by bonnie at September 1, 2003 7:24 PM