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October 12, 2003

Happy Nonaversary

Today is our second Nonaversary. We decided last year's was the first and--since we created the holiday to begin with--we get to decide the rules on numbering, celebratory activities, and appropriate gifts.

We will go to paint pottery today. Then lunch at a favorite spot. We started the day with a nice walk. We will end the day with some sort of sex, of course.

Still very very very happy to be unemployed. Or... as I keep saying, "I'm so glad to have my life back!" So, I'm surprised I hadn't imploded during those hideous weeks. I don't remember being so happy and unafraid.

The Book should arrive Tuesday. I'm so very excited. I truly think this book is better than the last (and there's certainly more broadly-accessible information in it) and its pre-sales have shown that I'm not alone in that opinion, though I can't imagine how anyone outside of me and the half-dozen people who've read the dang thing so far could truly KNOW that opinion to be true.

Eh, whatever. I'm just so very happy it's on its way!

Spent my first day of unemployment redesigning the site. Feedback welcome. Also vacuumed, dusted, changed sheets, washed and folded clothes and towels, brushed the cats, organzied a few zillion things that had been piling up due to lack of time to focus on anything other than the evil job, and watched a few cool TV things. A great day.

Congrats to uncle reverend big Mike for the new baby in the family. And Chip, I'm trying not to be really really jealous that you've seen Sir Robyn Hitchcock and REM in the past couple of days.

Ah... have I mentioned how blissfully happy I am? Time for a shower. Then maybe a nap. Just 'cause I can! Ciao!

Posted by bonnie at October 12, 2003 08:19 AM