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November 1, 2003
Damn Scary:
When you realize that you have, readily available in your modest apartment, enough '80s gear to dress yourself and three friends as Pat Benetar, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna (several versions), and Olivia Newton John, should you so choose.
What the hell is a 33-year-old woman doing with 50 rubber bracelets, turn-down "collar" spikey heeled lace-up boots, fingerless gloves, and blue-white lip gloss? Handy!!
But the "Blossom" costume is complete. Headed to a party with my buddy the Phantom of the Opera. My fiancé is at Kill Bill with our friend Michelle. *sigh* Different strokes...
Oh wait, that's another round of '80s costumes. Hee hee.
Posted by bonnie at November 1, 2003 8:31 PM