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January 13, 2004
Ants vs. Fleas
Keith and I were having a hot debate. Maybe you folks out there could help us settle it.
What's scarier: ants or fleas?
Without telling you who believes what, let's just say that Keith and I believe the opposite about the fear-inducing qualities that these critters possess.
Fear of Ants: you could just be standing there and then suddenly, your whole foot could be covered in ants. They know how to mobilize and act as a team. They could all get together and carry you off. Amazingly well-organized and good at communicating.
Fear of Fleas: they can suddenly be in one place and then hop away into some unseen place, only to bite and suck and show up somewhere else on another hop. They can live, unchecked, feasting on their hosts and never be caught. Independent and sluethy.
So... weigh in, will ya? I know I'm right about which is the most terror-inducing. Back me up, okay?
Posted by bonnie at January 13, 2004 8:07 PM