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May 24, 2004
This and That
Okay, here's the catch up...
I have slept ALL DAY. Seriously. I slept from 7am to 2pm and then again from 4pm to 7pm. Wow! Just wild!! I do that every now and then, so I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility, but man... wild to sleep so much! Hopefully that means I'm coming around to 100% in the health world. We'll see.
Gearing up for Quinn's visit, which is awesome. Really can't wait! Keith spoke to him yesterday (from the set--Keith's still shooting his movie) and Quinn asked to speak to me. Aw. So sweet. Can't wait to have him here.
Agenda so far includes a kid-friendly gathering at Conan Carroll's house, Memorial Day BBQ at Paul Molinaro's house, pool party at Jeff Denker's house, Sea World with a posse of kids and families (and breakfast with Shamu), JohnAngelo Carver's 2nd birthday party, and hanging out with Nelson Aspen's dog and cat (which we'll continue to do after Quinn goes home--Nelson's on assignment for Sunrise).
Wow! That's a lot to pack into a week. And there's more. I'm just so so so so so looking forward to having the little guy here. He's such a ball of love. Need the constant hugs. That'll be great! Kids are fun.
I received the shipment of new shoes I'd ordered online today. I've been on a quest to find a pair of sandals that would replace the awesomely gorgeous, most comfortable, amazing pair that I bought from Tweeds back in 1999. Yes, I've been keeping a pair of sandals on life support for the better part of five years. Poor little shoes--they so rock. And of course, Tweeds has gone out of business and the only identifying mark on the sandals is for the company that manufactures the soles. So... the happy news is, I finally settled on (and yes, it's settling, b/c what I WANT is to go back in time and have bought five pairs of these great shoes in 1999) this pair (in black, though) from Softwalk. And... they weren't cheap... but dammit I couldn't MacGuyver my old sandals anymore.
And that reminds me that I was successful in finding someone, ANYONE to sell me Donna Karan's Chaos, the perfume I've loved since finding it (on my cousin Tracy's wrists) in 1996 when she and I both lived in Athens. I immediately bought myself a bottle (after asking her whether she'd be upset at me for wearing "her" fragrance. She, moving to Hawaii at the time, didn't care what I did with my wrists and neck) and, in 1997, Donna Karan quit making it. Of course, I didn't learn that until 1999, when it was time to buy more. By then... where was I ever going to find any? There HAD to be some out there, somewhere, right? Nope. I've been to every fragrance outlet, every supplier/wholesaler, every little mom and pop store I could find, hoping they'd have a bottle stashed away that I could buy off them. Well holy crap if I didn't find a source on eBay!
Now, they're only selling the purse spray vials, but dammit, they're doing so for about $5-$10 each and I'm buying them up like mad. Happy, happy me! I don't know why I didn't start searching eBay sooner. Now I'm like the Hello Kitty-buying addict I was when I started eBaying in 1997. God bless the Internet.
My First Film
You'll recall the announcement from a while back about my first feature film and its first (semi-)public screening earlier this month. Well, Keith got the director to send over a copy of the poster and here it is!
If you want the much larger version via email, lemmeknow. Yes, that's my name at the end of the first line of small text at the bottom. Tee hee. Happy me.
Cousinly Pride
And yes, if you tuned in to watch VH-1 & Blender Magazine's 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs recently, you did, in fact, see Cousin Faith making fun of Mister Mister, Sisqo, and Rick Astley. *sniffle* I'm so proud of my girl.
No news on when season two of Significant Others starts taping, though it is soonish, as its schedule has to fit in with the filming of Perfect, since Fred Goss is a lead in both the series and our film. Did I mention how weird it was to have a $25,000 check in our house for a week recently? Phew! Go, Keith on nailing that investment! Man, he's a good associate producer! Truly!
Should have a meeting soon about the next film I'm casting. I did get a call about a promo project shooting Thursday for which the producer needs my help. Glad to do it. Tomorrow, I will be awake during daylight and make some noise. ;)
What else? Kitties are good. Keith is good--busier than ever. It's like the first four months of the year were all me and these next couple so far have been all him. It's fun to have that sort of dance and not feel weird about taking turns and supporting one another.
Oh! And Hollywood Happy Hour is ready to go for July 6th. Get those RSVPs in sooooon! We've announced our new guests to the Hollywood Calendar and The Hollywood Reporter, which should be sending out a WireImage.com photographer again (man, they do great work). I'll update the site with the official announcements of guests soon. This one's going to be GREAT!
Okay, back to work. *snicker* I know, I wasn't working today. I was sleeping. So... time for work. Get out the whip! Updates when possible... 'til then, know I'm in a good place now, everyone. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE GOOD VIBES AND LOTS OF LOVE.
Posted by bonnie at May 24, 2004 8:57 PM