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June 29, 2004
This is post #400 to the BonBlogs.
And it's being made from a dial-up connection in Marina del Rey, sandwiched between two Chihuahuas (being between them is like bunking with Kate Hepburn--why must they vibrate so?) and with no ability to upload the cute photos of them that live in my digital camera.
Should be back to home and to normal tomorrow night. Meanwhile, please send vibes in the general area of Santa Monica on Wednesday at 5pm. We're having a little meeting that could lead to a really nice quality-of-life upgrade, if it all comes together.
PS--I'm almost 34. Yay! (And I mean that sincerely. This is the first "approach of a birthday" in a couple of years that hasn't had me in a panic attack or rut of somesort. Yay!)
Posted by bonnie at 9:30 PM
June 26, 2004
That's just plain rude!
So I go get my eyes checked, as it's time for new contacts (same prescription (Yay!) but I need new boxes of them) and I'm talking to the cute little 27-year-old chippie who is conducting the eye exam. Seems my eyes, in the past year, have become less tolerant of contact lenses, despite the fact that we have a nice, 17-year history of working well together. I've gone from being able to wear my contacts for 18-hour days (or longer) to now having to take them out after about five hours, which really means I'm wearing glasses all the time. Why do I wear contacts? BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE WEARING GLASSES!
Okay, so I'm thinking the reason I'm having more trouble with my contacts this year is because they changed the base curve of the lenses at last year's exam, saying that the lenses needed to sit up higher on my eyeballs. I'm sure if we just switch back, all will be fine.
"Maybe," the cute doctor says. "But, also, as you get older, your eyes lose their ability to lubricate your lenses as well."
Oh no she didn't.
Posted by bonnie at 3:46 PM
Congratulations Michael McClelland!
Congratulations to Michael and Christine McClelland! Welcome...
Emily (born 23 June 2004 at 7:39pm 19 Inches 8 lbs. 5 oz.).
So glad you're here safe and sound!
Posted by bonnie at 1:53 AM
June 25, 2004
Anagrams Are Fun!
I remember Chip having found a few of these for me once (including a couple that aren't here: Spoil Beige Linen and No Eligible Penis) but there are sooo many more Anagrams for Bonnie Gillespie out there.
pigeon bile lines
pigeon belle is in
sponge bin lie lie
ellipse bin ego in (which I think is Latin for "math builds my self-esteem" or something)
Oh, I could do this for hours (and I think I will! Taxes are much less interesting).
Will eventually blog about the showcase we went to tonight... must heal first. Need distance from the experience so as not to come off like a hater. Two shows tomorrow, one Sunday, then a break from show-going while we pet-sit for a few days and I take NO COMPUTER (of COURSE the SixHundy doesn't COUNT).
'Til next time, I'm gospel bini in eel, signing off!
Posted by bonnie at 11:37 PM
Okay, so... I finally signed up for GMail.
Now what?
Posted by bonnie at 1:48 AM
June 23, 2004
I Want...
Posted by bonnie at 11:12 PM
June 21, 2004
Liar on CNN!
Around 5am I watched a bit of CNN's Headline News and saw some guy from Details Magazine (don't bother checking the site... it's useless, as information-sharing goes. No teasers. Nada) talking about the Blackberry (AKA Crackberry) that was changing the way we speak to one another, in society.
Now, of course, I could've written down the guy's name to look him up, but it was 5am, for cryin' out loud and I was certain I'd be able to find out more about this guy from CNN.com or Details.com or something.
Why did I go to sleep at 5:40am knowing I would want to find out more about this guy?
He lied!
Okay, okay... it's not really a lie when you simply have a difference of opinion, but I just thought this guy, working in the field of journalism, should be a little more responsible in his assessment of "the way life is," due to new technology.
The offending remark? People are just going to have to get used to the lack of eye contact during conversations now. We will not stop checking our Blackberries for messages during meetings or meals.
I know I'm not Emily Post or anything, but Jeebus, dude! Is it not enough that people drive around carrying on involved phone conversations (and have wrecks while looking up phone numbers), take their laptops around to every coffee shop and juice bar they frequent, and basically cut themselves off from all PERSONAL human interaction for the sake of interacting electronically? You actually want to EXCUSE people from having to make eye contact during one-on-one, face-to-face conversations?
Man... I'm getting more and more Amish every day. HAVE A CONVERSATION! It won't hurt!
Sheesh! I don't just disagree with this guy, I feel the need to text him from my SixHundy to tell him so.
Yes, I know the definition of irony.
Posted by bonnie at 2:24 PM
June 19, 2004
Started getting a lot of traffic over here at the BonBlogs, so I decided to do a little snooping to find out why.
Seems that LA Observed (very cool blog I'm so happy to have stumbled across) quoted/linked back to my Wolfesden RIP post after seeing me posting about the 'den closing on IDoTVAds.com.
So... hiya, new visitors! And welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay.
Uh... why is it that suddenly I feel the need to be a heck of a lot more interesting and inspiring? Uh-oh.
And, as all good poking-around-on-the-Internet expeditions should, this one ended with me adding even MORE new (to me) sites to my Safari bookmarks. Let's see...
Franklin Avenue (neighbors blogging about their lives and to-do-tah-dahs here in town)
Tagline (cool film blog)
Dateline: Hollywood (satire on this crazy town)
Outside the Box (a way-too-cool-to-be-on-hiatus blog from Variety.com about the swag sent to the daily)
News from "back home" is this: Tiffany (my niece) has landed her first extra role in a feature film (Beauty Shop, shooting in Atlanta)! When we saw her in Athens in February, she talked about wanting to get into acting and I encouraged her to do so, to come to Hollywood... all that stuff that would make her parents mad at me but that I know would secretly thrill everyone (protective aunt taking care of the sweet cheerleader in Hollywood). So... when she text-messaged Keith's phone with the big news today, I wasn't at all surprised.
I'd love to have Tiffany here! She's not *too* far off from the age I was the first time I moved across the country. Hee hee.
Okay... still updating the Shows I've Seen blog, gearing up for Hollywood Happy Hour, preparing my segment for the Hollywood Black Film Festival next week, writing the Showfax weekly column, and putting the finishing touches on the (shh... can't reveal it yet) project with Kim Hardin. Whew! That's a lotta stuffs! No wonder I can't sleep! Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 1:21 AM
June 17, 2004
God Bless Elizabeth...
...and her well-crafted art of "doing the Internet."
Seriously, Beffers, you ROCK my world. Eat this, Keith Johnson:
Oh! but you're NOT wrong about the "dining room suit"!
7. A number of things used together, and generally necessary to be united in order to answer their purpose; a number of things ordinarily classed or used together; a set; as, a suit of curtains; a suit of armor; a suit of clothes. "Two rogues in buckram suits."--Shak.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
2. A group of things used together; a set or collection: a suit of sails; a suit of tools.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
From the greatness of Dictionary.com and a much more in-depth searcher than I, Ms. Beffertonian of Pocalla Swamp.
Seriously, THANK YOU. *Phew* Grammar Gods MUST stick together (especially when we're all southern and such). Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 12:15 AM
June 16, 2004
So Gratifying...
Hee hee.

You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!
How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
That's so much fun. Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 7:20 PM
June 15, 2004
Dining Room Suit
So, I just made a comment to Keith about buying a "dining room suit." He asked me to spell "suit" as I'd just used it.
"Don't you mean 'suite'?"
"No. 'Suit'. Dining room suit."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes. Of course."
And of course, the fact that he's so sure I'm mistaken sends me out of bed and to the Internet, where I learn that I--and thousands of others like me--have been taught the phrase "dining room suit" which is totally and completely incorrect.
I recall Mom saying, "Bonnie, dust the dining room suit with Pledge," and such.
How, at nearly 34, can I be shocked and amazed by the fact that I have had anything like that wrong my entire life? Haven't I learned by now that there is always more to learn?
When I found thousands of hits for the phrase "dining room suit" in Google, I asked Keith how it was possible that we ALL had this wrong.
"Well, I'd assume you were all raised in GEORGIA," he said... and you KNOW how he said it.
Grumble grumble grumble.
Posted by bonnie at 3:59 PM
June 13, 2004
Photos! Yay!
Finally had a day to get the photos from Quinn's visit edited and up on the web for all to see. Enjoy!
News to come... big news. Good news. Life is a happy!
Posted by bonnie at 11:12 PM
June 9, 2004
Hollywood Evolution?
It's gotten to the point where I spend more time "taking meetings" and "doing lunch" than doing traditional "work" things. Of course, there is very little that is "traditional" about how I make a living, but I've never done so very much "meeting," "mealing," and planning/building toward the next big thing with others as I have been doing this year. Wild.
Love it.
Oh... a bit of heartbreaking news for my single/hopeful guy friends: cousin Faith is engaged. :) Hee hee! So happy for my precious button cousin! Congrats!!
Okay, that's enough thumb-typing from the SixHundy. Still pet-sitting at Nelson's... so much fun!
Posted by bonnie at 10:58 AM
June 8, 2004
Hollywood Happy Hour, July 6th!
Please join us on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 for our next Hollywood Happy Hour with special guests, industry news and reviews, networking, loads of great prizes, yummy food, and adult beverages!
Who: Emmy Award Winning vet to celebrity pets Jeff Werber (bring all of your pet questions--but NOT your pets) and head of the commercial department at Conan Carroll & Associates, Stella Archer (bring those headshots)!
When: Tuesday, July 6, 2004, 5:30pm arrivals, 6pm program start, 7:15pm schmoozefest
Where: Alessi Ristorante & Bar, 6602 Melrose Ave., Hollywood (corner of Highland; valet parking available)
How Much: $5 plus two drinks... also, plan to take advantage of the half-priced Hollywood Happy Hour appetizers and pizzas! Yummy!
What Else: goodie bags from our sponsors for winners of our business-card drawing (make sure to bring your card) and trivia questions, lots of freebies, and everyone's uncle, Uncle Bob, will be putting it all on "tape" for our audio archives... Yay!
RSVP: with your name, number in your party, and any suggested questions for the Q&A segment to us ASAP.
All details available at HollywoodHappyHour.com. Woo hoo!
Posted by bonnie at 11:28 PM
June 6, 2004
Skinner just sang my song. Yes, I'm watching The Simpsons while being purred to by Nelson's cat and having my toes licked by his dog. Life is good.
Quinn photos coming soon... much to do first.
Posted by bonnie at 8:13 PM
June 2, 2004
Tomorrow Ayem
We will leave Los Angeles at 5am (ack) to have Breakfast with Shamu.
Rock! That's so dang cool!
Very excited!!!
Oh, and today... I finally got started on our taxes. LOL Man... I definitely need the Sea World trip. ;)
Posted by bonnie at 7:32 PM
June 1, 2004
If You Have Kids...
...you probably already know this. It's new to me.
Stuffed animals require good-night kisses too.
Posted by bonnie at 11:40 PM