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July 5, 2004
Heh heh
Well... she ASKED to come home with me. So...
Yeah. This is the newest member of our family. I think her name is Thwok. She's enjoying the company of her Aunt SixHundy in this photo, taken by her first human mom: my sis Deb McCarthy.
Uncle Archie and Aunt Salema have reserved judgement for now, but both will be won over before long.
Oh, and we signed the lease on the new place today (and forked over a few thousand buckaroonies). So... here we go!
PS--Sorry to give you more quizzes/surveys to waste your days with, Kris. I hope you're posting YOUR results somewhere fun so I can come see. ;) Tee hee.
PPS--10am tomorrow is the start-time to call in your RSVP if you are a member of the SAG Conservatory and intend to attend their cool weekend workshops July 17th & 18th (I'm speaking to two groups on the 17th). 323.856.7736. So excited!
PPPS--See y'all at HHH tomorrow. We're gonna have a BLAST!
Posted by bonnie at July 5, 2004 8:18 PM