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July 26, 2004
Packed It
I think... I finally... packed... my brain.
I've been joking about that for a week or so, but I believe it has happened. I am officially fried. FRIED.
But I think we're now actually very close to being able to move OUT of the old apartment and into the new one... once they give us access to the new place. Ack!
MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR thank yous to the families Koellish and Lindsay. Y'all kick ass!!!!! Wow!
I'm fried. Luckily, the Chihuahua I'm taking care of doesn't mind. Sadly, the people I'm to interact with... yeah, they'd prefer a non-fried Bon. Maybe next week.
Posted by bonnie at July 26, 2004 2:09 AM