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September 19, 2004


I am an hour and a half into my three hour AVOID ALL NEWS session. You see, ABC is cruel and has decided to tape delay my precious Emmy Awards, keeping me from seeing the goods 'til 8pm PDT. Grr.

Of course, local news (and the Internet, which lives in a world without place and time) likes to tease coverage of after parties (with clips of stars holding their trophies and smiling) during this period of time while those of us without a live East Coast Feed of ABC that isn't blacked out by the local affiliate must look for something else to do. Chapagne is chilling. I've watched all the pre-show whatnot on E! And y'know what? I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT YOU GOT EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE OF THE "SEX AND THE CITY" GALS WHILE I'M STILL WONDERING WHO WILL WIN THEIR CATEGORY!!

So... I'm avoiding media. It's hard.

Posted by bonnie at September 19, 2004 6:38 PM