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October 1, 2004

In a Few Hours

I'll be under the knife. And the beam. And the influence of anti-anxiety drugs (I could use some of those right now). We were called today to be sure everything is in sync and I'm not backing out and all that. Ack... I'm so so so so skeeeert.

But that's normal.

I'm also excited.

Did a career consulting session today, followed by another interview for the book. That helped keep my mind off it all. Then a nap. Then a date with Keith at El Cholo--nice walk to and from. *sigh* Now watching the Silver Munkee chase her tail around the apartment, much to the annoyance of the elder kitties.

I'll sleep soon. I need to stop using my eyes now anyway. Even if I don't sleep, I need to be NOT looking at a computer screen.

Okay. Here goes. It feels like jumping off the high dive at the Hapeville Pool. I was so scared I was shaking... but I did it. And never regretted it.

*holding my breath*

Here goes.

Posted by bonnie at October 1, 2004 12:05 AM


Bonnie has just had a Jamba Juice smoothie and a pizza bread and has gone back to bed.

For the two hours before that she had been resting well.

Her eyes itch as if there were sandpaper or grit in them, but mildly.

The surgery was very firghtening to watch, and Bonnie was pretty freaked out about having her eyes pryed open for the procedure. After it was over, she cried to let out the stress. She slept a little on the drive back, and I put her in bed.

After she finished her pizza bread, Bonnie told me that she could see. She said that she could read the spines of the books on my book case (7' from her bedside). Yesterday at this time, she knew that there was a bookcase there and that there were books in it... she could tell because the differently colored blobs were vaguely rectangular... now she can read the spines.

Needless to say, we're very pleased and excited. Her vision will continue to improve for the next day or so, and the scrathiness will fade as her eyes heal.

We have a follow up appointment tomorrow morning, and at that time Bonnie will be cleared to go back to work, so look for a post from her tomorrow around 10am PDT.

Love to you all and thanks for the vibes and well wishes.

Gotta go take care of my girl...

Posted by: Keith Johnson at October 1, 2004 2:04 PM

Thanks for the update Keith.
Give Bonnie our love
Cindy and the K's

Posted by: cindy k at October 1, 2004 3:03 PM