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November 17, 2004
Again, with the tired.
What IS this? It's like I need my mid-day nap to get through. Ugh.
I did, however, go back and look at my journal (the old-fashioned pen and paper version) from this time last year and I was doing this same thing: tired, tired, tired. But also depressed. Not feeling that just yet. Instead, just tired. And achy. My head is about to pop.
Screening tonight for a friend's new film. Very much looking forward to that... if I can get a nap first.
Agency-sponsored actors' showcase tomorrow night.
Gimlet Night Friday night.
Auditions all weekend for the film. No wonder I'm in need of a nap. Yeeesh!
Posted by bonnie at November 17, 2004 03:40 PM
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