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November 10, 2004
Manipulating the Google Ads
Okay, let's see if this stuff will shift the types of Google ads popping up over ----> there.
(Of course, I know it'll take a LOT of "other" posts to counter-balance all of the Hollywood whatnot in my blog, but I'll try.)
1. We're (Bon + Blake) doing two more interviews for the book today. Did three on Monday. Very cool.
2. We're (Bon + Keith) considering a holiday trip to Catalina. Never been. This was inspired by an industry friend's invitation to Mammoth. Don't ask. ;)
3. There is no three.
4. Kitties are good. Evil. The usual. Thwok still fetches. It's really cool to experience.
5. I've been craving cheese. You know me, right? I DO NOT LIKE CHEESE. What is THAT?!?
6. Casting this current project is really fascinating. Dogma is such a bizarre little genre, from the casting perspective.
7. My favorite pen is the Pilot Varsity Fountain Pen.
8. Yes, I am pimping for Google ads. Again.
9. I'm hoping it's like the kind of thing where when you star on a talk show and say you love a certain product on the air, the company sends you free swag as a thank you. Could that happen? Tee hee. No. I know.
All right! Let's see what that does!
Posted by bonnie at November 10, 2004 12:14 PM