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December 31, 2004
One More Down...
Here's the book-writing process:
Contact potential interviewee
Conduct interview
Transcribe skeleton of the interview from notes
Structure questions within the text of the interview
Transcribe word-for-word from the audio tapes
Verify names, dates, locations, roles, productions, details
Edit out redundancy and tighten the general flow
Send first draft to copy editor
Edit per copy editor's notes
Send second draft to copy editor
Final content clean up
Typeset interview and photograph
Send formatted draft to editor for final check
Edit per formatting notes
Final in-house proof
Send files to printer
Proof bluelines from printer
Sign off on production
Promote and market until book ships to warehouse
Okay, so, here's where I do something really geeky like create a chart of where we are in the process on each of the book's chapters.
Oh, and I'm happily accepting offers of eager proofreaders (first dibs to those most awesome proofers who rocked on Self-Management for Actors). Let me hear from yaz.
Posted by bonnie at December 31, 2004 5:18 AM