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January 20, 2005

Geek Chic

Ugh. Here we go again.

Since installing a significant amount of software we'll need for putting together the current book, I've noticed Camino slowing down and crapping out. Yes, I started using Camino after having quickly bailed on Firefox (for no other reason than the fact that I couldn't (in a single click) import all of my Safari (the browser that had started crapping out on me previously) bookmarks, passwords, and settings).



So, it seems Firefox *will* let me import from Camino, and now that Camino is sucking, Firefox is the way.

Love. It.

So, I decide to go get the ultra-cool Thunderbird (which I saw in action at Gary's office yesterday--during a ROCKSTAR 2.5 hr. mtg.) for my mail. After MUCH searching of the forums and such, I find that I *can* (though not so easily) import my settings from Entourage... but--should I choose to make this leap to Thunderbird--that will be the end of my ever-randomly-cycling signature file.

And anyone who has ever received email from me KNOWS how much I love those ever-randomly-cycling signature file quotes!

I guess I'll stick with Entourage and wait to see Thunderbird's next release. Perhaps they'll take care of me then.

Sooooo geeky.

Posted by bonnie at January 20, 2005 03:00 PM

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