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January 13, 2005

Vanity, Thy Name Is Local TV Newscaster


haroldgreene.jpg johnnorth.jpg johnelliott.jpg

Why the hairdye, boys?

bobbanfield.jpg carlosamezcua.jpg furnellchatman.jpg

Why the comb-overs?

alanmassengale.jpg paulmoyer.jpg

Why the hairdye on the eyebrows?


Why the toupees?

markkriski.jpg rickgarcia.jpg

Why the plugs?


Why the wigs?

Is it really that hard to do the news as a man in Los Angeles?


It's just so dang silly.

Posted by bonnie at January 13, 2005 01:22 PM

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i don't know what is scarier....those pix or the ad on the side of your blog for cat strollers.

Posted by: Aimercat [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 14, 2005 12:48 AM


Posted by: Jeannini-Nini [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 21, 2005 01:23 PM