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March 07, 2005

I'm in Love

I was hooked right away, but only now am I truly in love. Real Simple rocks. The greatness of Jodi got us a free gift subscription to it (and Wired, which we also love) a few months ago and I truly adore this damn magazine.


And I think this iPod My Photo thingy is way cool. Very diggable.

Turns out the Showtime free weekend ended before the last ten minutes of Clerks. Bastids.

Posted by bonnie at March 7, 2005 05:18 AM

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I totally love that magazine. It really is by far the best subscription I've ever had, although Mobile PC runs a very, very close second.

I must admit, though, I've been considering subscribing to Martha Stewart Living again. I miss it a little bit.

Posted by: sm00bsie at March 7, 2005 11:26 AM

Scratch that! Showtime is BACK on. Just had a hiccup during the download of new program info by TiVo last night. Yay! I get to watch "Supersize Me" followed by "Fat Actress" tonight. Yay!

Posted by: Bon [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2005 04:52 PM

i love love LOVE real simple! We're not allowed to get it anymore, though, because Nathan feels it's sexist. He read it more than I did, but obviously didn'y care about beauty and fashion tips. He thinks the male gendered OCD people out there are being discriminated against

Posted by: Ali at March 10, 2005 09:08 AM