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March 13, 2005

Oh, Well...

I tried.


I freed up the restrictions on commenting here a couple of weeks ago and the spammers have overrun my blog to the point of wearing me down.

Again, you will need to sign in through TypeKey to leave a comment. :\ Oh, and when it doesn't like you, log out and log in again. That, and reloading, has always worked for me.

Sorry, gang. I just can't take the constant metaphorical emailed pink meat. I tried.

Posted by bonnie at March 13, 2005 05:31 PM

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Oy. That was a whip.

Love ya, chica!

Posted by: sm00bs [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 13, 2005 07:40 PM

Why do they have to ruin all of our fun??? Oh well, I don't mind having to sign in. It's worth it to me if it makes blogging more enjoyable for you. I'm so sick of the "trackback" junk too. What a PAIN!

Posted by: Jeannini-Nini [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 14, 2005 11:07 AM