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March 04, 2005
This and That
"Look at this. Look at that. Now it's time to sit and chat. About this. About that. It's This and That with Rusty!"

So, I still haven't taken Jodi's quizzes. Maybe when I've run out of ways to stall doing taxes. Did you know that corporate taxes are due a WHOLE MONTH earlier than normal-people taxes? Ugh. Much to do this weekend (and it all involves a calculator). Can I party or what?
Keith's birthday was delightful. He baked his yearly cake and frosted it with stuff that I'm allowed to stick my finger in [Gosh, that reads so dirty!!] (as it's the only gluten-free part of the cake). Took him out to dinner. Sang quietly. His presents should arrive tomorrow. :\ Dang "business days" for shipping counts online.
Just saw a commercial for Ice Princess. I bet Kris is in heaven! LOL Oh, safe travels, Kris! Hurry home safe.
Speaking of Kris, we just announced the lineup for the April 5th Hollywood Happy Hour. Visit the site, RSVP for the event, the usual. Yay!
I got soooooo much work done on the book today (all of the bios). Sheesh! It was amazing. I knew, once I hit a stride, I'd impress even myself with the amount I accomplished. Last night, I tackled site updates for the book, so that we can start presales. Woo hoo! Huge shout out to helper-types who received content today. Thank you in advance to ALL book helpers for rocking my world (I won't out you unless you want me to do so--you'll just get a non-specific major thank you in the credits of the book itself until I hear you prefer public praise)!
Keith has jury duty in the ayem. Hope he has at least as much fun as I did, back when I went a couple of years ago.
Had to cut my nails short tonight. :( So sad. They had grown so long and pretty. Well, 20 hours of typing 80 WPM will get you clear on priorities, that's all I've got to say.
I think I feel some sleepies coming on. Cool. We'll try that. It's always fun to crash a bit after so many hours of "this and that." Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at March 4, 2005 02:26 AM
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I am all about some Ice Princess.
Mathelete turned skater?
It's practically my life!
All I need is a tiara and some skates (and some ice (and cuter legs (no, just ice.)))
Posted by: chip woods at March 4, 2005 03:16 AM
You better get on it, chica (mark that?)! I've been finding more! Ok, I'm really not finding them, they're actually being delivered to me via evil RSS feed, but that's neither here nor there.
Posted by: sm00bsie at March 4, 2005 06:56 AM
Is it terrible that I would rather see Ice Princess than ANY of this year's Oscar nominees?
Posted by: rebecca mccullough at March 4, 2005 09:49 AM
What is it with jury duty? I had it in January, and at least 10 people I work with have had it in the last 3-4 months.
and BTW - Chipster - I'm sure you have cuter legs too.
Posted by: Joni at March 5, 2005 05:34 AM
I came out as loner. And 19 per cent Ghetto Gangster.
Actually my grandmother was a quarter gangsta. Drives out to Mexico with Uncle Ole' Dirty Crackbaby made our summers. Great days.
Posted by: Cliff at March 8, 2005 06:54 AM