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March 3, 2005

Today's Lessons

There are people who only care about me to the extent that I can give them something. Once I have run out of what I've been giving them, I am no longer cared for and am, in fact, worthy of ridicule.

Learning this (and yes, I've learned it before, with different people) is a lovely "friendship clearinghouse" of sorts. There is something incredibly liberating about giving people the room to show me who they truly are.

...and then letting them go.


It is fascinating to me how the universe works. The INSTANT I let go of someone like this, I am contacted by someone "a tier above" (someone whose peer I aspire to be), inviting me further into that world.

There is something delicious about instant validation from the universe. It's a spiritual, "Right on, sister!" like no other.

I accept.

Posted by bonnie at March 3, 2005 10:35 AM