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March 23, 2005
Two-Day Recap
Goodness, I've been working hard! Visit the pretty new excerpts from interviews at the book's site and ooh and ahh.
Keith bought me some of these. Aww.
And we had another one of these.
Looks like this quake was a 3.4 just a few miles south of us. Cooooool.
HUGE thank you to the many volunteers for proofing--and DANG, some of you folks are FAST!!! What an amazing turnaround!
Okay, gotta go. Must give Tom Fontana some details about the content he's providing for our foreword.
PS--Keith went to producers on the new Tom Hanks pilot today. Rockstar.
Posted by bonnie at March 23, 2005 11:55 AM
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once again...eq immune. didn't feel a thing.
Posted by: Aimercat at March 23, 2005 01:09 PM
Man oh MAN we're gonna see that Keith in some heavy duty stuff over the next year - I can FEEL IT.
And oh my GARSH, your site for the book is AWESOME! WHEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at March 29, 2005 09:14 AM