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March 09, 2005

Zoned Out

Okay, I'm seriously zoned out now.


I've just spent eight hours straight doing taxes. That's a lot of paper. I still have much to do. But sleep... that's the deduction I'm taking right now.

Posted by bonnie at March 9, 2005 04:00 AM

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I know it costs money, and I know money is always good to have around, but have you ever considered having someone else do your taxes, simply to save your sanity?


Posted by: sm00bsie at March 9, 2005 06:53 AM

Oh! We do, we do! We have a GREAT CPA and a big appointment on Friday to have our individual and corporate taxes done. This is all just the prep work! We have so many sources of income, I have to organize everything to the extreme before handing it off.

Keith says I don't HAVE TO do that... but I think I do. It's "shrug it off" vs. my OCD. Who do you think is going to win that one? ;)

Posted by: Bon [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 9, 2005 12:39 PM