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April 23, 2005
Surreal Moment of the Day: II
My last surreal moment of the day was similarly odd.*

Months ago, a friend of a friend sent me an email and told me he loved my name, wanted to use it in something he was writing, asked if it would be okay.
"Sure!" I said. Then I added something about how she'd better be cool and not victimized or degraded, etc. "Ha ha."
Fast-forward to today: Found the story. Found the character. Found the genre. Yup. Bonnie Gillespie is now a character in an adult tale ("adult" even though the story is set in a high school) of sex and experimentation.
* I realize now that the image is a little more upset than I am. I'm more like "mildly amused" and fascinated, with the passage of time.
Posted by bonnie at April 23, 2005 3:19 PM