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May 22, 2005
Best Things on TV
Best things on TV tonight?

That'd be Tina Fey doing the Risky Business spoof on Saddam Hussein in his BVDs and Keegan Michael Key doing "Man Up" stomp on MadTV. God bless TV that doesn't get cancelled. Ever!
WB Shows Cancelled
NBC Shows Cancelled
Fox Shows Cancelled (What???? Life on a Stick? Cancelled? Noooooo!) *rolls eyes*
ABC Shows Cancelled
Huge bummer-meter on the Joan of Arcadia cancellation in our household. That was a Season Pass for Keith. :( And, bigger bummer that our friends' pilots didn't get picked up. Still... I believe it'll happen. There's really good material there... and SOMEWHERE, there is an audience for stuff THAT good. 'Til then... we watch the bad and wish network TV fed us better morsels. :\
Oh, and as if I needed an extraction team to get me out of the house on Thursday nights... there's Hit Me Baby, One More Time, which seriously must be worse than that ballroom dancing show on UPN ABC (thanks, Ames).
Posted by bonnie at May 22, 2005 12:24 AM
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I thought "Dancing With the Stars" was ABC. I think the Britney Spears show is some sick science experiment gone bad where by watching it, brain cells are sucked from you and given to Britney, Kevin and their spawn. I honestly felt like IQ points had been sucked from me by watching that train wreck out of of sick curiosity. Now I understand how curiousity kills the cat.
Posted by: Aimercat at May 22, 2005 03:16 PM
Yay Veronica Mars is staying!
I'm surprised about Joan of Arcadia...I know that your household wasn't the only that really loved that show.
Oh no, poor Katie Wagner's Starlet has been cancelled? Awwwww...I feel SO sorry for her. *roll eyes*
(Katie is the BIGGEST BITCH of the CENTURY).
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at May 28, 2005 12:19 PM