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May 13, 2005
Big-Ass Casting Meeting
Just had a big-ass casting phone date with some cool-ass filmmaker types.
I was hoping to end the call with a, "You're hired!" and I certainly may get that phrase from them next week, but they have some budget snags to work out first.
BTW--did you know that SAG Indie's contracts are being revamped July 1st? Whole new set of rules to learn! Yippee! I like what I've seen so far.
Man, that was one hella long/intense phone call. Phew! Hope I get the gig.
Posted by bonnie at May 13, 2005 03:16 PM
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Fingers crossed, good vibes headed your way, and prayers being said tonight that you get it!!! I doubt you'll need any of that because you ROCK so effin' HARD!!
Oh yeah, and you're one hot 'n' sexy mama!
Posted by: sm00bs at May 13, 2005 08:53 PM
go kick some ass, Bon Bons!!