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June 29, 2005
Amazing Day!
Okay, so last night's callbacks were BEYOND ROCKSTAR (and I do mean BEYOND ROCKSTAR). I've spent the day making offers to talent, negotiating billing (and extras like dressing rooms), and setting up audition sides for the next project I'm casting.
Simply AMAZING day with loads of great phone calls (and, I know... I always hate the phone, so it's kinda weird) and then Keith brings up the mail.
What's there?

Freaks and Geeks, the complete series! This has been on my wishlist forever and Keith ordered it for my birthday. Yay! Early happy birthday Bonnie gift! Woo hoo! I cried. Seriously. I CRIED with joy!
Phone rings. What's that? Oh, cool. I've been hired to cast a short at the American Academy of Art's Indie Filmmaker's Bootcamp at Stephens College! Yup! Thanks to a referral from a manager friend of mine, I'm off to Missouri in late July! Woo hoo!

And... I think today's the day I apply to join the CSA. Yup. Feels like that kind of day.
Next? Nosotros' American Latino Talent Showcase, of course! What better way to celebrate? Woo damn hoo!
Posted by bonnie at 4:35 PM
June 28, 2005
Je Voudrais...
Seriously. All I want is ONE DAY...

...in which I have NOTHING to do. I think that would be way cool.
Posted by bonnie at 12:48 AM
June 27, 2005
Did I share this photo wid'jaz yet?

Yeah. That's me. Pre-curves (AKA "fluff"). Love that Farrah 'do and Pac Man iron-on decal ringer T.
Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 1:08 AM
June 25, 2005
Perfect Day!
So, I went to bed late, slept 'til I woke up naturally, did a word puzzle in my jammies, wandered into the living room and found this on AMC:

I challenge any one of you to tune in and NOT smile ear-to-ear the whole time.
Heck, I remember being so excited that they'd made a movie about US (Georgia US) when I was a little kid. Of course, I'd probably never seen an 18-wheeler close-up, but I was sure this was Hollywood loving Georgia and that gave us some sort of credibility as people.
No comment, upon watching as an adult. Heeeeee!
Just the same, I cannot watch a MINUTE of this movie without smiling, laughing, and singing along. What a great day!
Posted by bonnie at 1:29 PM
June 24, 2005
It's Just Damn Funny To Read (RIF)
Reading *is* fundamental! Really!
I come home from a super amazing dinner party with old friends and new (Lily, you have the BEST friends EVER and you *must* hurry back to LA so I can cast you in something) and check up on the blogs.
What's cool, hip, and now?

Chip found some self-heating coffee that scares me a bit.
Jocelyn showed me a photo of like my favorite yummy Chick-fil-A food ever. Damn you, gluten!
Chip found what is probably the best FREE KATIE conspiracy theory article ever!
Question... am I all about Becca's Michael, b/c I quoted Fox News Network?
Okay, seriously need the bed. Director coming over mañana to watch preread selects with me here rather than doing the high-tech thing I spent 20 hours making available for him to view. *sigh* Someday the world will be all the geeks like me.
Posted by bonnie at 11:38 PM
Fun Day Fun Night
Got the SAG contract faxed over to our first cast member (woo), breakdown went out on the next project (woo hoo), pulled an all-nighter to edit all preread selects onto a CD for the director in prep for callbacks next week (woo damn hoo).
There are some seriously amazing actors who read for this film. Wow. Such a great experience, casting.

And tonight, we head out to see Lily Mercer, who comes to town to visit from NY every year or so. She was the director of the Christmas play I did at the Attic Theatre in 1999 (tiny grainy photo above of me with a castmate) and is an outstanding actor. I'm so so so much a fan! Always a blast to get to hang out with her and my fellow former Attic Theatre Company Members. So much catching up to do!
In other news, Keith had yet another agent meeting (set up by his rockstar manager) and just received his contract for a SAG film shoot. Good Friday.
Posted by bonnie at 5:30 PM
June 23, 2005
Casting Union
This just in:

The results of the NLRB-sponsored election are in.More than 96% of the Casting Directors and Associates who took part in the election voted to be represented by the Teamsters. 96%--an overwhelming majority. In addition the NLRB representative said that, in his 25 years, this was the smoothest mail ballot that he had ever overseen--a testament to our willingness to work together with the AMPTP representatives to make this happen efficiently.
The next step is to sit down and negotiate a contract. Steve and the Teamsters will be in touch with the AMPTP to set a date to begin formal talks. We will let you know as things progress.
Thank you to EVERYONE for their hard work in getting us to this point. Thank you all for believing it could be possible and following through on the work to make this happen. Your trust in the essential notion that together we are capable of great things has led us here.
Your NY/LA Steering Committees
Nice to come home to such big news after an amazing day of prereads for Chandler Hall. Man, what a great cast this is going to be!
Breakdown for Shrinks is going out next, then a nap. I'm exhausted--and with good reason.
Keith is too. Producer callback for Crossing Jordan (AGAIN! Third time!) and second agent meeting for commercial rep. Whew! What a day!
Posted by bonnie at 5:26 PM
June 22, 2005
Welcome, Ben!
Welcome to the cast of Chandler Hall...

Ben Savage! Woo hoo! How much do I love this kick-ass job? Prereads all day tomorrow for the other roles, then back to offers next week. LOVE it!
Posted by bonnie at 4:01 PM
Real World Austin
Holy crap, that's a good show.

So, I got home from the SAG LifeRaft talk (which was effin' rockstar) and from taking Keith and Quinn to the airport (Quinn was VERY excited about taking the red-eye home) and found that Kris' boyfriend TiVo had saved Real World: Austin for me. Holy crap, what a good show! I don't remember such an exciting first episode ever.
In other I-love-TV news, I've noticed a whole buncha cool stuff coming up for my summer TV viewing. More on that later.
I've got to tweak the schedule for Thursday's prereads, plus finish the breakdown for Shrinks. Man, I should be sleeping! Oh well...
PS--There is a much more agile version of Archie who lives outside these days. What a panic attack seeing him run through the courtyard tonight gave me! Thought the oaf had escaped Casa Gillespie-Johnson. Nope. Still sleeping, right where we left him. Ha!
Posted by bonnie at 2:25 AM
June 21, 2005
1. Got the prereads for Chandler Hall scheduled (sides out, top actors for each role scheduled, etc.).
2. Got A New Tomorrow final cast list handed off to production (just need to get the cast webpage updated now).
4. Sent out MOST of the comp copies of Acting Qs. Got an amazing thank-you note from Tom Fontana, as well as super feedback from actors interviewed. I'll share soon.

5. Quinn had his playdate with Drake (that's Drake on set, above). They really enjoyed themselves. Turns out Puzzle Zoo is like the coolest store EVER. Will post photos from Quinn's visit when I can. I promise!
6. Got someone at SAG to agree to fax over the Limited Ex talent contract (even though it's only good for another couple of weeks--then we go to Ultra Low Budget contracts for SAG). Bless you, Paul Bales, for the fax!! (Will pick up a copy of the AEA 99-seat Code while in the building tonight, thanks to Nancy Daly.)
7. Got Quinn *mostly* packed, though he'll leave without his memory book completed this year, for the first time (bummer. I just could NOT get it together quickly. We'll mail it later). LOVE the drawings he's leaving behind. Perfect fridge material!
8. Confirmed that tonight's SAG LifeRaft event is over-booked with a waiting list--which means it will fly by (and we're taking 150 copies of Self-Management for Actors to give away). C'mon DayQuil! Hook me up!
9. Got Quinn's "LOVE QUINN" scrawled on all of our thank you notes from this week's 1/2-birthday gifts and treats. Seriously, Quinn had an amazing time! (I'll get 'em out in the mail later.)
10. Purged a few thousand pages of sides from previous projects' auditions, which felt good in a major way. Amazing the little things we can do when sick that happen to improve the general spirits, without taking too much out of us physically.
11. Slept. That was the biggie. Still not 100% (and Keith is worse), but enough to get the talk done tonight, get Keith and Quinn to the airport, and then get back home to write the breakdown for Shrinks, do Rox work, update the business-hours list for tomorrow, and get all of the email-based contact work possible done before Wednesday rolls around. Ack. Exhausted just looking at all of this.
So, I'll stop. Time to get on the road soon anyway. Thanks for all the good vibes, everyone! They feel GREAT!
Posted by bonnie at 2:25 PM
Q: Where is Bonnie?
A: See old blog.
Ugh. Bleh. Zzzzzzz.

That is all.
Posted by bonnie at 12:55 AM
June 19, 2005
Best Father's Day Ever
What a wonderful day!

Thanks, Cathy, for sending this photo to us. You do such wonderful work!
Posted by bonnie at 2:24 PM
June 17, 2005
New Casting Gig
This time it's a PLAY! Woo hoo!

Huge thanks to Judy Kerr for the referral! Awesome! I absolutely adore Kevan and Maria Jenson. This is going to be an amazing play. It's co-produced by Visualize This and Hudson Theatricals. They've already hired a publicist and everything! Hee hee! Amazing script, dense dialogue, rich characters, and fantastic concepts. I'm eager to cast this play under the AEA 99-Seat Agreement!
Look for the breakdown next week. Woo hoo!
Posted by bonnie at 3:48 PM
June 16, 2005
"Hey, Bonnie..."
(This is how many conversations begin when Quinn is visiting.)
"Yes, Quinn."
"You've really got a very big butt."
"Thank you."
(Long pause.)
"Hey, Bonnie..."
"Yes, Quinn."
"I really thought you'd be upset."
"No, Quinn. I have a big butt. It's true. No reason to be upset."

Truth is, I saw an interview with Mo'Nique yesterday in which she talked about the bliss that is being a big girl and having "fluff" for the guys to touch on.
I looked at Keith and said, "I need to be like that. Just love my fluff." He said, "Sometimes you are like that." And I said, "Yeah. But I need to be like that all the time. Just love my fluff and know I look good."
And today that was tested out. So far so good!
Posted by bonnie at 11:49 AM
A Little Help?
Anybody out there in blogland happen to have a copy of the SAG Limited Exhibition TALENT Contract I could borrow?

I have the PRODUCER Contract (and, of course, the TALENT Contracts for SAG Experimental and SAG Modified Low-Budget weekly and daily performers) but somehow don't have a sample copy of the one I need in my handy SAG Indie sample folder. Grr.
Any help?
Posted by bonnie at 2:07 AM
June 15, 2005
Oy, so...
I've crossed everything off my list, plus subbed to every RSS feed (of interest) I could find (though I'm not *quite* sure what that RSS thingy means), and I've sent all of the potential local hires on to the director of the feature film I'm MAINLY casting right now (not finished with everything just yet).
(Yes, I'm having to learn what it is to cast three projects simulatneously and how to decide which is the "leader" in every call I make. Oh, and... I'm reminded that people at this point hire ASSISTANTS, for cryin' out loud!!)

View this, this, and... well... there is no three. Judge me now. It's not my fault! AND... if you're free, join us Thursday 7:30pm-ish for a little gathering. Hit me with a comment ASAP if you're free and want to head west for a glass-raising of some sort. SO much to celebrate! And... there's meeting the brilliant, beautiful Q-man!!
Oh, so, I get a call from Keith and learn that Quinn has taken a face-dive into the dock on the way to Catalina. My response, "Can you clean him up?" Answer, "I can clean HIM up better than *I* clean up!" Well, duh! I mean, I love ya, Keith, but we ALL admit that Quinn is parented better than we were! LOL
Such such SUCH a good kid! Kudos to the moms for taking such good care of him! I love how generous, loving, and affectionate that boy is!!
Photos will come! Hang in!
Posted by bonnie at 1:19 AM
June 14, 2005
How Cute Are We!
First feedback from an actor interviewed in Acting Qs... none other than the amazing Stephon Fuller:

What say he?
I am really enjoying the book. While I was on set Saturday, I showed it to the actress I was working with and she started reading it like it was hers. I was hoping to read in the "hurry up and wait" time. It’s pretty addictive. The stories are great!
Yay! Thanks, Stephon! And THANKS for sharing YOUR story!
BTW... the upgrade to Office 2004 (when it has become fried by your effin' Tiger upgrade on a Mac [yeah, laugh it up, folks who love it the once every NEVER that a Mac does something PC-like and craps out]) is basically painless, although it does take about THREE HOURS.
Further BTW... Quinn is learning major strategy in Hello Kitty Uno. Or, well, he WAS. Right now he's in Catalina with his dad. So cool! Me? Casting meeting tomorrow. News to come. Yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 7:14 PM
How Excited Am I?
Super-duper excited. Look at the present GSN is getting me for my birthday!

[GSN] has picked up repeats of all seven editions of the show that have aired on CBS, plus rights to the eighth edition of the game, which debuts in the fall, and an option for the ninth and 10th cycles. Episodes will air nightly at 9 p.m. ET, beginning Monday, July 11 with the show's first episode.The conventional wisdom is that because they have serial stories and fans already know the outcome, they won't work as repeats. "The Amazing Race," though, may have an advantage in that regard. Although its popularity has taken off in the past year, its first few seasons didn't capture very big audiences.
That would be me. I didn't start watching TAR until the summer of 2003, when my assistant at the Fox show I was working on told me Keith and I were MADE for that show. Of course, I had to watch. I was soooo sucked in, wishing I'd listened to Chip all along.
No worries. I can start watching next month from the beginning. Yippee!
Gotta go. Have a date to play Hello Kitty Uno with the Q-Man. ;)
Posted by bonnie at 12:05 PM
June 13, 2005
Further Updates
And here are today's updates, as of this moment.

I have a script to read, offers to fax, feedback to provide [still dragging feet on this one], bills to pay, books to sign [ended up chatting, instead], books to pack [ditto], books to mail [yeah, yeah, yeah], headshots to open, headshots to sort [still in progress], headshots to purge [I think this one is a forever-in-progress deal], a screen to put back in a window [waits for Keith], three websites to update [ugh. dragging feet], a font to install [actually can no longer use Word. major problems since the Tiger upgrade. Ugh], and dayplayers to enter into the Breakdowns system to email to producers [not urgent].
Wow, and I also did about ten things that weren't on the list. That's fun. Still more to do (always)... but I'm super-intimidated by the items I saw in last month's Real Simple (just got to read it) called "This Clean House." I'll post that insane list later. No WAY I could keep up with THOSE standards. *shudder* I'm supposed to wash my lamp shades every six months?
PS--I love Fight for Fame. Is that wrong? Should I lie? (Ooh, it's probably due to the high number of people in each week's episode that I know. That would explain part of the appeal.)
Posted by bonnie at 5:19 PM
June 12, 2005
List Thus Far
Updates to the list thus far:

I have a script to read [read enough to know I'll accept the offer to cast it tomorrow], a column to write, offers to fax [got authorization for dollar amounts on three of them, holding on one more], feedback to provide [this is going to take forever and I always worry I miss something and end up just not doing any, which I hate, since I know it helps the actors to get feedback], bills to pay [that's the very next item, I promise], books to sign [can do that with wine, later], books to pack [ditto], books to mail [pack 'em up for Keith to take after he and Quinn return from NoCal], headshots to open [ugh, that's forever in the making], headshots to sort [this list is still way overwhelming], headshots to purge [I thought I'd gotten so much done today], a screen to put back in a window [waits for Keith], a shower to take, litter to scoop, dishes to wash, three websites to update [coming soon], a font to install [having some bugs with the Tiger upgrade... must research], and dayplayers to enter into the Breakdowns system to email to producers [later].
Holy bejeebus. I thought I'd gotten so much done already. Lists are evil. (No, they're not. I know that.)
PS--I cannot watch ten minutes of television without seeing an actor I know. That's kind of cool.
PPS--It seems I will get to officially make an offer to one of the most talented actors I know tomorrow (and someone I count as a friend) to star in one of the movies I'm casting. I'm so so so so so freakin' excited about this film. Can't wait to make it official!! Rockstar!
Posted by bonnie at 6:10 PM
So, why is it when I have a kazillion things to do (and I am not *even* kidding when I say "kazillion," I really do have THAT MUCH STUFF to do) that I end up bored?

It just makes like no sense. How can I be bored when I have sooooo much to do? And all of it causes me more than a little bit of stress. Hm. Maybe I'm chosing boredom over stress. I guess that makes sense.
The "S" key on my PowerBook has a patch worn through. So, I guess it *is* the most common letter. For me, at least.
See? Bored. And I have a script to read, a column to write, offers to fax, feedback to provide, bills to pay, books to sign, books to pack, books to mail, headshots to open, headshots to sort, headshots to purge, a screen to put back in a window, a shower to take, litter to scoop, dishes to wash, three websites to update, a font to install, and dayplayers to enter into the Breakdowns system to email to producers. All of that needs to happen before Monday morning.
Yeah. And I'm noticing the worn-out "S" key. And making lists of the things I'm not doing. Sunday should be interesting. Look at all of those S-es I typed! Esses? Oh... and I found the first typo in the new book. :\ Page 129. Transposed a period and a close-paren. I'll decide that's in homage to Frances. How 'bout that?
Posted by bonnie at 3:54 AM
June 11, 2005
T-minus 30 Days
I'd better get used to the idea.

Yup. Only 30 days left of 34. :\
Better get going on those New Year's Resolutions (or, rather, what it is I want to take into my new year with me).
Ooh... or update my Amazon Wish List! That's much more fun. Hee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 7:27 PM
June 10, 2005
Sooo Tempting
Okay, so, over on one of the many forums where I post, someone posted a comment to a guy who'd behaved in a very charming way. She said:
I swear, I want to bare your children!
Everyone continued on as if nothing odd had happened. They chimed in about how charming the guy had been and how she'd not be offering kids so easily, had she delivered any in the past, etc.

I was sooo tempted to post:
Watch out. Michael Jackson's in trouble for doing that!
But I did not.
I shared the story of my instincts here instead. Where it can be properly appreciated.
Posted by bonnie at 2:34 AM
June 9, 2005
Short-Notice Gathering
If you were involved with this:

and you're free tomorrow evening, meet me at:

(or post a comment here/send an email to let me know you want to join us and I'll be less cryptic and give actual information).
PS--If you weren't involved with Acting Qs but you want to be one of the first people to buy one on the planet (since it's not yet available anywhere else), you could come too. Just lemmeknow, so that I bring enough of the SEXIEST LOOKING BOOKS EVER! Ack! So excited!
Posted by bonnie at 3:44 PM
June 8, 2005
He's Here!
Okay, so today Quinn arrived for his annual visit. I'm in heaven already!

Keith brought Quinn to the acting class I was teaching (just the last five minutes of class) and when they walked in, I said, "Hi! Introduce yourself." He said, "Well, this is my dad!" All big and proud and not shy or anything. So awesome!
Then Keith said, "Tell them our names." He said, "This is my dad, Keith. I'm Quinn."
Then I said to the gang, "This is going to be my stepson." Then to him, "Can I get a hug?" And he ran to me and gave me a HUGE hug. Soooo wonderful!
"Bonnie, do you know what?" "What, Quinn?" "I missed you when I was in Michigan." *melt*
My boys are sleeping now. Long day. Tomorrow... BEACH! Woo hoo!
Posted by bonnie at 8:49 PM
Have you ever been so totally and completely obsessed with something that you cannot fathom NOT thinking about it, even for a second?

Yeah. I've been obsessed with 1990 Mazda Miata touch-up paint.
Not well.
See, when you have a nearly 16-year-old car, you need to touch up the paint in places from time to time. And when you pack to MOVE, you put things like the touch-up paint you bought ON THE SAME DAY YOU BOUGHT THE CAR in one of several boxes that (after the move) may not get completely unpacked--or even ones that may get put deep into a closet for storage, since you haven't needed anything in the boxes for months--and God help you if you think you can begin to find said touch-up paint when you realize there's a little fleck-off going on after the TicTac had a visit to the carwash.
Worse, give up EVER thinking you could find the damn thing, if you just looked ONE MORE TIME inside EVERY FREAKIN' box, drawer, closet, storage unit of EVERY kind... but please do go ahead and LOOK one more time (scratch that... not ONE more time... try a dozen more times). But don't you DARE stop THINKING that you *could* possibly find it, if you just looked ONE more time.
I told you I was NOT WELL.
Yes. I finally broke down and spent the FIVE BUCKS plus shipping to order the dang thing from a Miata shop online. Do you think *maybe* I could stop obsessing about where the damn thing is now?
Place yer bets, folks!
PS--I realized that the producer callback Keith had today was for the same show he's gone to producers for once before during pilot season. Effin' rockstar!
PPS--Just got home from a great industry thingy hosted by the TMA, Breakdowns, Barefoot Wine, and the Hollywood Reporter for the CBS fall season roll-out (preview, keynote, and panel). Way cool. Awesome giftbags! Swag is goooood.
Posted by bonnie at 12:05 AM
June 7, 2005
Sooo Soon!
Quinn will be here so soon! Sooo soon! Yippee!

Keith went from a producer callback for a new fall TV show this morning straight to the airport. He'll be in McChicken (Michigan... hee hee) tonight, and head back in the morning with the Q man. Woo hoo!!
We're hoping to do increasingly-longer visits each year (like we've done thus far), meaning maybe next year will be a month... building up to all summer one of these years.
I'm very very very excited to have Quinn here. Hurry home, honey. Bring that kiddo of yours to Cali!
Posted by bonnie at 1:05 PM
June 4, 2005
Happy Wedding Day, Cousin
And welcome to the family, Nick Holly! (See the New York Times announcement here. Or click here to see the screen capture.)

I'm sure it was perfect and beautiful and wonderful and magical, just like you are, dearest cousin Faith Salie!
Mazel Tov!
Posted by bonnie at 7:52 PM
June 3, 2005
Theory of Car Drama and Showbiz
Okay, so I've always had this theory (and it seems to pan out, according to most actors I've talked to) that if you get a parking ticket while you're at an audition, you will book the gig.

Well, yesterday, Keith's car was towed. And he had a rockstar meeting (over 90 minutes) with an amazing agent, after his rockstar manager hooked him up with a week filled with agency meetings. Have we mentioned how much we love Keith's manager?
So, if a parking ticket during an audition means a booking, I think it's safe to say that a tow-away the morning of an agent meeting means you're going to get signed. We shall see.
In other news, A New Tomorrow is almost fully-cast. I'm doing some offer letters to name actors on Monday for this film *and* for Chandler Hall, based on some wonderful pitches we've gotten since the breakdown went out Wednesday night. Excellent progress.
Quinn and the book arrive next week. I'm teaching four classes next week plus attending an amazing CBS/TMA event. It's just an amazing, kick-ass life. Period.
Posted by bonnie at 11:10 AM