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June 08, 2005
He's Here!
Okay, so today Quinn arrived for his annual visit. I'm in heaven already!

Keith brought Quinn to the acting class I was teaching (just the last five minutes of class) and when they walked in, I said, "Hi! Introduce yourself." He said, "Well, this is my dad!" All big and proud and not shy or anything. So awesome!
Then Keith said, "Tell them our names." He said, "This is my dad, Keith. I'm Quinn."
Then I said to the gang, "This is going to be my stepson." Then to him, "Can I get a hug?" And he ran to me and gave me a HUGE hug. Soooo wonderful!
"Bonnie, do you know what?" "What, Quinn?" "I missed you when I was in Michigan." *melt*
My boys are sleeping now. Long day. Tomorrow... BEACH! Woo hoo!
Posted by bonnie at June 8, 2005 08:49 PM
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Posted by: Ali at June 9, 2005 03:46 AM
My goodness, I got tears in my eyes from reading this. *swoon*
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at June 13, 2005 11:19 AM