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June 14, 2005
How Excited Am I?
Super-duper excited. Look at the present GSN is getting me for my birthday!

[GSN] has picked up repeats of all seven editions of the show that have aired on CBS, plus rights to the eighth edition of the game, which debuts in the fall, and an option for the ninth and 10th cycles. Episodes will air nightly at 9 p.m. ET, beginning Monday, July 11 with the show's first episode.The conventional wisdom is that because they have serial stories and fans already know the outcome, they won't work as repeats. "The Amazing Race," though, may have an advantage in that regard. Although its popularity has taken off in the past year, its first few seasons didn't capture very big audiences.
That would be me. I didn't start watching TAR until the summer of 2003, when my assistant at the Fox show I was working on told me Keith and I were MADE for that show. Of course, I had to watch. I was soooo sucked in, wishing I'd listened to Chip all along.
No worries. I can start watching next month from the beginning. Yippee!
Gotta go. Have a date to play Hello Kitty Uno with the Q-Man. ;)
Posted by bonnie at June 14, 2005 12:05 PM