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August 10, 2005
Letter from the Cosmos
Dear Bon,
I'm sorry I've been such a ginormous pain in the arse for these past couple of weeks.

I know you've tried to remain calm (and keep others calm) in the face of my diva-demands and, usually, you are quite grace-filled when I come by (since you plan for the chaos I cause and always take extra time with everything, showing marvelous levels of patience), but I've just had to toy with you this time around.
Seeing you try to keep your cool when everything is going wrong at once, watching technology fail you, and noticing that communication simply never lands the way it was navigated has been a monkey-filled barrel of shits and giggles. Thanks for the laughs!
Mercury Retrograde
PS: At one point last week, you said this was the worst of me you could recall and Keith said he'd experienced worse. I must say I truly enjoyed the moment today when he finally said, "Yeah. I'm just hoping to live through this one. It's really bad." That was fun for me. Thank him, wouldja?
Posted by bonnie at August 10, 2005 05:26 AM
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Oh Bon, I am sorry. I hope things get better soon. Just know that a tiny baby and his mama appreciate you, your positive contributions to the universe, and hope you and yours are well!
Posted by: amybird at August 10, 2005 06:01 AM
Soooo good to talk to you yesterday, sis! I'm glad I could make you giggle a bit! Teehee! Like I said then, if ANYONE can make it through a MercRet spell it's you!!! Hang in there chikadee! Go have a margarita at Tana's! That ALWAYS makes everything better! Give Mike and Craig a kiss from me! ;)
Posted by: Debra at August 10, 2005 01:05 PM
Hey Bonnie,
Don't hold too much faith in bad things happening. It's wasted faith anyway because they will happen. Stick your faith in something less certain or at least something good. If Mercury Retrograde is such a badass, how come it works to a schedule? He's probably unassuming the rest of the time. Drives a bus or something.
I don't believe in all that planet stuff anyway. Load of rubbish if you ask me. Then again, I would say that - I'm a typical Sagittarius.
Take care and whatever you do, laugh. They hate that.
Posted by: Cliff at August 10, 2005 02:27 PM
Woah - check out those paragraphs! I swear I didn't put those in. Now my scribbles look too self-important now - bugger. Technological glitch. You were saying?
Posted by: Cliff at August 10, 2005 02:29 PM
OMG!!!! My thoughts EXACTLY. My past 24 hrs have been HELL!!!!!!
Posted by: Aimercat at August 11, 2005 03:32 AM