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September 30, 2005
Effin' Brilliant
It's the feelgood movie of the year! See the trailer!

What is it? Well, a post-production house organized a competition where assistant editors recut trailers from famous movies to try and make them seem like completely different movies...
This was the winner. Brilliant!
Posted by bonnie at 12:52 PM
September 28, 2005
See How Joseph Montana Loves Me?
He sent me one of these today.

Sad to say so long to the Chicklet, but Keith's ThinkPad has been fried for a few months, so at least the Chicklet goes to a good lap in the same room.
Haven't come up with a name for the new iBook (and it's way bigger than the Chicklet), but since it has like a gig and a half of RAM and a DVD burner, I guess I can handle the extra heft.
Heeeeeeee. Love new toys! Love Joseph Montana! Love my sister Liz! Love my hubby Keith! Heeeeeeeeeeeeee. NEW CAR SMELL ROCKS!
Posted by bonnie at 11:26 PM
all I needed to get to bloggin' was...

a freeekin' heat wave. Keith's dad's thermostat says it's 90 degrees in our apartment. Ugh.
Posted by bonnie at 7:17 PM
I Must Be Feeling Better!
Because I'm doing the rounds (reading blogs) and stealing from brilliant people like London Cliff.

That's a good sign.
Five Things I Can And Can't Do (Cliff's answers are way better than mine.)
Five Things I Should Know How To Do And Can't
1. cook (I burn water)
2. play guitar
4. whistle
5. speak the three foreign languages I learned in school
6. say "particularly" correctly
Five Things I Shouldn't Know How To Do But Can
1. write with both hands
2. advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry
4. hit bullseye, every time
5. spot and name every actor I've ever auditioned, when I see him or her on TV in something else
6. full-on background check on anyone without any significant information (SS#, address history, etc.)
Fun, no? ;)
Fun poll results (yeah, I 86'd the poll after getting a whopping 22 votes).
BonBlogs Poll!
Why do you read BonBlogs?
To keep up with your whatnots. 45% 10
To see if you're casting something new. 5% 1
Eh, it's bookmarked. What the Hell? 5% 1
I'm secretly stalking you. 18% 4
You're stalking me and I want to know why. 0% 0
Long-time reader, first-time interacter. 14% 3
Google led me here and I stuck around. No idea why! 0% 0
Reactions to come later. ;)
Posted by bonnie at 5:42 PM
Oy, You're Killin' Me!
Are you KIDDING me with this stuff?

Just when I think I'm starting to feel a wee bit better, with less of a cough and a bit more energy, the Santa Ana Winds kick in and it's 87 frickin' degrees and DRY, HOT WIND whips through my apartment.
Hello, nose bleeds!
Ugh! I'm so so so so so looking forward to October. Oy!
Posted by bonnie at 3:48 PM
September 27, 2005
Okay, so...
MCJ (aka... My Cousin Joni) is going to be in the El Lay for about 12 hours and I'm hoping to organize a social something.

Come to El Cholo (11th and Wilshire in Santa Monica) on Saturday, October 1st, between 4pm and 7pm to connect with me and MCJ before she has to head back out to the east coast.
It'll be fun and way low-key. Come with! Yeah!
Posted by bonnie at 11:54 PM
September 26, 2005
Leaving the House
Yep. I'm going to leave the house today. And tomorrow. Ooh! Very exciting.

Yes. That's all the news I have right now. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
Posted by bonnie at 4:01 PM
September 24, 2005
My Work, In Public
Some cool opportunities to see my casting work out there...

The opening night party should be really outstanding! Buy tix here. (Yes, I will be there on the 15th.)

This weekend (and no, I'm not healthy enough to leave the house yet), there's a cool cast/filmmaker Q&A and screening of the first film I ever cast (A Dull House) at Film Society tomorrow night.

And, a reminder to my east coast peeps, The Moor will be screening at the Hamptons International Film Festival in October.
Yeah, I'm like a proud big sis or something. It's cool to see my work comin' around in public. Neat-o.
Posted by bonnie at 3:52 PM
So, I'm thinking about how I have nothing to blog about so why bother updating except to say thank you to everyone for all of the great get-well vibes y'all sent over these past couple of weeks (and yes, I'm realizing I've spent the better part of September ill... grr) and then I visit Jodi's blog and realize, when uninspired... I can still QUIZ! Yippee!
Your Inner Child Is Happy |
![]() You're cheerful and upbeat, taking everything as it comes. And you decide not to worry, even when things look bad. You figure there's just so many great things to look forward to. |
Yay! See? Even when I'm hacking up a lung, I'm a happy li'l girl in here somewhere! Ilikeat.

You were almost a: Pony or a Puppy
You are least like a: Mouse or a ChipmunkCute Animals Quiz
And... so... I'm a duck! Well, there ya go! Good thing I'm *not* a pony or else I'd end up across the street at the petting zoo later today! Hee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 5:17 AM
September 23, 2005
I seriously have nothing to say.

Still sick. Trying to work on the book's revisions between big sleeps. Watching TV. Being bored.

Octoberfair is back (across the street) and that makes me smile.
Keith is auditioning for a "Disney Dad"-type role (heavy on the goofball). HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LISA! More more more DayQuil... and still, I got a rock!
Posted by bonnie at 1:14 PM
September 21, 2005
That's the sound my nose makes.

Book event, good. Kitties (all three), spread out all over me, begging for bed. Keith, on his way to the bed.
Yeah. NyQuil says I'll be going too. *skrawnk*
I'm going to be healthy tomorrow, dammit.
Posted by bonnie at 11:42 PM
Acting Qs Book Event 9/21/05
Blake Robbins (co-author and working actor) and I will be doing a book signing and talk with Jill Andre and Stephon Fuller (both working actors we interviewed in our book Acting Qs: Conversations with Working Actors) at Brentano's, Century City, on Wednesday, 9/21/05 at 7pm.

Brentano's is located at 10250 Santa Monica Blvd. 90067.
Woo hoo!
PS--Camille Mana may also stop by!
Posted by bonnie at 1:25 AM
September 20, 2005
So Thrilled!
Seriously, I know it's odd, but I am THRILLED to be so so so sick.

Fever, sinus crud, can't swallow, throat on fire... THIS is stuff I can understand! AND I LOVE IT! Soooooo much better than the mystery that is baffling brain chemistry!
Oh, and in reviewing my post about us being hitched, I realize I shared some good details with friends elsewhere that readers of the BonBlogs might like to see. So, follow this link and weed through the congrats posts to get some of the inside info. ;)
Back to bed. Ahhhhh... it feels so good to be sick!
Posted by bonnie at 1:38 PM
And... SCENE!
Cool. It's raining.

As Keith would say: "Rain. Classic literary symbol for change."
After a very fitful night of semi-sleep, I woke up around 4am with a searingly sore throat and the need to blow my nose... a bunch. But somehow, my head felt CLEAR.

That braincloud crap I've been enduring for just over a week was seemingly gone.
So, I came into the livingroom, began sorting paperwork for the new book (busywork, to sort of see whether the panic had passed or was just hiding), and within an hour... RAIN.
Felt like that moment in the movie when you realize everything's gonna be okay, in spite of everything.
Posted by bonnie at 5:15 AM
September 18, 2005
Panic Sucks
Seems, just as 40 is the new 30, panic is the new migraine. I have all of the symptoms that usually come with a major migraine, but no pain. I'm beginning to realize that migraines, as painful as they are, suck MAINLY b/c of all of the other stuff.

I'm deleting the rest of this entry. I'm ready to be over this. Sure, it may come again--there does seem to be a pattern here--but for right this second, I want to be past this. So, I'm going to stop talking about it.
Posted by bonnie at 12:56 AM
September 17, 2005
1. Working on the book helps calm panic attacks.

2. Watch the pre-Emmy Emmy Awards (Creative Arts version) tonight on E! to see Kathy Joosten pick up her Emmy (plus casting directors April Webster, Mandy Sherman, Alyssa Weisberg, and Veronica Collins Rooney for Lost; John Papsidera for Lackawanna Blues; and Scott Genkinger and Junie Lowry-Johnson for Desperate Housewives). That's so cool! Maybe someday, the Oscar people will do an award for casting. *sigh*
4. Book stuff: anyone who's read Self-Management for Actors have an opinion about a chapter I'm on the fence about keeping? That'd be the STAND-UP COMEDY one. I mean, I cover SOAPS and EXTRA WORK and HOSTING, so there's room for it... but I don't cover VOICEOVER. I can't cover everything, of course, but I'm just wondering... did the STAND-UP COMEDY chapter stick out as out-of-place? Should I keep it and add in VOICEOVER and LOOPING? Hm.
5. Blogging seems to recharge my panic levels, so I'm going back to book edits. Wish me luck! Watch the Emmys tonight and tomorrow night too. Congrats to my friends and colleagues!
Posted by bonnie at 1:36 PM
The Shakes
Been going through some very odd physical things for the past week. Not sure what's going on.

I'm shaking, shivering, enduring panic attacks, feeling that airhead feeling I mentioned before, and having some very odd "toxic dumping" stuff happening.
I don't understand it. I don't fear it, which is good, but I sure don't love it. I have to leave the house tomorrow, so I need to at least stop with the shaking and find a way to NOT panic out.
Cute image thanks to the greatness of Elizabeth Tindal.
Posted by bonnie at 12:46 PM
September 15, 2005
Hey, Proofer Patrol
Early request of the proofer patrol for the 2nd editon of Self-Management for Actors:

If you are on my proofer patrol and you have the first edition handy, could you be so awesome as to "bunny up" to do one of the following things?
1. Look up every casting director whose name is in the book (you can use the index for help) and find out whether they are now (or no longer) members of the CSA and/or CCDA?
2. Look up every casting director whose name is in the book (again, you can use the index for help) and find out what their most recent credits are (this is an IMDB job)?
4. Visit the sites in the Online Resources section of the book and determine if those sites still exist and, if they do, if the description is accurate?
Holla, helpas! You get copies of the book and my undying love! Oh, and acks in the acks section, of course! Deadline... October 1st, so there's plenty o'time.
Posted by bonnie at 9:18 PM
September 14, 2005
Congrats, Camille!
So, last week, Keith and I went to a taping of Camille Mana's new TV series, One on One. Very cute.

Well, starting next Monday (the 19th), you can see her every week at 8pm on UPN! Woo hoo!
You may recall that Camille is featured in my book Acting Qs. Hee hee! Yay! Speaking of the little book: co-author Blake Robbins will be on The OC for the next two weeks *and* the wonderful Bob Clendenin (along with his wife Erin, of course) has welcomed his second son into the world! Woo hoo! Further, Jill Andre (who smoked up the screen in The Moor Sunday night) will be joining me and Blake on the 21st at Brentano's for a talk and book signing.
Oh, how much I love bragging on my friends!!

'member when I was all airheady a few months ago? Well, I'm there again. I really hate it. Anyone recall how that ended up leaving my life, after having been such a pain in the ass for me? Really hate feeling all out of sorts.
Def Jam Becca MC got me a wedding present: a link to a way cool Gluten-Free blog. Thanks, Becca!
And, as if my blog is in retrograde, both my Google ads *and* Blogpatrol are now broken. WTF?
Okay, back to the good stuff: congrats, Camille, Blake, Bob, Jill, and everyone else in my life who's doing some really cool, amazing work! (Even spied Subhash on TV today!) Me? Gotta get my head grounded and then I can get these book revisions going. HUGE THANKS TO THE PROOFER PATROL AND CONTRIBUTORS ALREADY ONBOARD!!
Posted by bonnie at 11:45 PM
September 13, 2005
Oh, All Right!
We're telling people.

Thanks to our most wonderful hush-hush friends for helping us keep this private for as long as we have. And congrats to those who figured it out despite our best efforts to keep it very low-key.

Honestly, doing this with only four days of planning was a lot less stressful than the way we were trying to do it back in 2002. And keeping it private was a nice way to honor the intimacy of it all.

So, yeah. I'm a Mrs. Who'dathunkit?!? Tee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 6:19 AM
September 12, 2005
I've reviewed Breaking Bonaduce at Monitoring the Culture.

Thanks to the fun Best Week Ever blog, I found a review that's really cool and geeky. What does it take to destroy a nano?
Hee hee hee hee hee.
Posted by bonnie at 10:01 PM
Congrats, Kathy!
Congratulations to Kathy Joosten for winning her first Emmy!

Coverage of the awards-before-the-big-awards event here.
Posted by bonnie at 7:39 PM
Love, Love Me Do...
...you know I love you! I'll always be true. So, please... love me do!
So, the beautiful film The Moor screened tonight at the LA International Short Film Festival--which rocked like a cradle!

BTW--The Moor is hitting the Hamptons Film Fest next. Rock on, rockstar film! As CoCo said, it's the feel good romantic comedy of the year, yo? ;)
There were many wonderful films at this screening, which made me way happy (and there were many way cool actors, producers, directors, writers, and other Bon camp folks). Also, there were actors I love in the house, who I'll cast any time--plus some potential love connections. I hate that some of the people we were most excited about hanging with ended up having to go home, but it was still a great night. Real life happens. What can ya do?
More than that, it was a great MORNING. I met with many filmmakers who are at that amazing "gotta hire someone to cast my next film" stage. And maybe they want me. That could be cool.
Still, I must focus on the book before I find room to cast more films.
Damn you, time management! ;)
Good night. Good times. I cried like a baby for the first two minutes of The Moor and said that it's that whole, "Everything relies on my ability to do my job right," thing. I think I was just really, really proud.
Ah, it was way gratifying, all the way around.
Oh, and... you should read this...

No politics. Just what it is.
Posted by bonnie at 1:59 AM
September 10, 2005
This is the kind of thing I would do, if I didn't have enough of a list-intensive career as it is.

Luckily, casting involves lists (and lists of lists), writing a weekly column involves lists, and writing books definitely requires listmainia like none other or else I'd do that kind of thing for fun (and never get any work done).
Why do you suppose lists are so very satisfying to me? Submit your suggestions in list form.
PS--I trimmed my fingernails. Had to. I was having to retype everything lately and it was getting annoying. Bummer, as the long nails looked way hot. Oh well.
Posted by bonnie at 5:35 PM
September 9, 2005
New Favorite TV Channel
You know me. I don't sleep on any "normal" schedule. So, around 4am when I've emptied the TiVo and need to have something on while I work, I now go to Google Current.

This is what I think "reality" TV should be. Really brave, self-produced and submitted POV "pods" with on-screen status bars so you know, going in, how long the pod is and how far along in the story you are.
I first saw a pod about Katrina (and the warnings that came years ahead of time, graphic depictions of land loss, timeline of evacuation and rescue activities, all set to Flood by Jars of Clay*) last week and was hooked.
Last night, I watched for hours... further hooked. THIS is what TV is coming to. Wikipedia-like self-correcting viewer-scored user-submitted pods on everything. So long, CNN. Rock on, Google Current. I'm in.
*Lift me up--when I'm falling
Lift me up--I'm weak and I'm dying
Lift me up--I need you to hold me
Lift me up--and keep me from drowning again...
Posted by bonnie at 1:27 AM
September 7, 2005
Okay, so it's time to revise Self-Management for Actors and get it on the shelves by 15 November 2005.

Yes. You read that right. I will attempt to turn this book around and hand off to the printers in FIVE WEEKS, max. Soooooo... if I seem to hibernate for a while, that's what's what. And if I spend way too much time blogging, know I'm procrastinating and kick my bootie, okay?
Proofer patrol... you up for some more?
Oh, and Joni, it seems we need to start our production company soon. I've been hearing that would be a way good thing. 'Til then... gotta write, yo!
Posted by bonnie at 1:17 AM
September 6, 2005
Too Angry To Blog
Why haven't I blogged (much) about Katrina? Well, I tend not to get political in my blog entries (anyone who knows me knows where I stand on most issues--and those who don't know me can probably place safe bets, based on my words when I *am* vocal about political issues) and when I think about the state of disaster relief (and the lack of action that could've occurred BEFORE the disaster to lessen the loss), I get pissed.

Watched most of the 48 Hours' episode on Katrina and, in a story about FEMA, heard this gem:
What does FEMA say about all this? That this was a storm like no other. Local FEMA coordinator Michael Beeman says he doesn't want to bring in too many people too fast and overtax the devastated infrastructure."How many of you are having problems getting gas and you're asking us to bring more people in here? What we're trying to do is to think the process out," he says.
THINK THE PROCESS OUT? Are you fucking kidding me? No, I'm not asking anyone to charge in anywhere half-cocked, but for the love of God, FEMA, don't you EXIST to be in service when disaster strikes? Isn't a part of your raison d'être the fact that you HAVE FUCKING PLANS IN PLACE FOR HOW TO HANDLE DISASTERS?
This is an embarrassment, plain and simple.
I don't care what your politics are. Bureaucracy at this level isn't ABOUT your political agenda or your beliefs. Bureaucracy at this level equals an abandonment of a population. This is a form of genocide.
Posted by bonnie at 9:02 PM
September 5, 2005
Happy Birthday to MCJ
Some years ago, my cousin Joni was born on this day.

This is her, just a few years later. (That's me, on her bootie.)
When we start our production company in a few years, some version of that photo will be our logo. I can't say much more, as it's all very top secret. ;) Hee hee.
Happy birthday, JoJo!
Posted by bonnie at 3:03 PM
September 4, 2005
Sunday Morning Search Party
Haven't done a search party in awhile, and I'm already ahead of myself in my To Do List this weekend (amazing), so let's have some fun and analyze the words and phrases that brought people here recently.

One on One: Camille Mana: of course! My friend Camille (from Wolfesden days and in Acting Qs) is a series regular now! Woo damn hoo!
Trashelle funny: yes, yes she is. Often in the way that Tara Reid funny or Anna Nicole Smith funny. Although, I must say that Katie out-Trashelled Trashelle last week on Kill Reality. Man, that show was such a great idea!
Bonnie pink: I like that one!
Blake Robbins: The OC: yes, my writing partner booked a recurring character on The OC but I can't tell you what he does. Just know, if you've seen him on everyothershowlately you know what his characters always do. *evil grin*
Tru-Fan Eliza: I think I got on their radar from casting the amazing Shawn Reaves as Kliner in Chandler Hall, but there has been so much turnover in that cast that I'm afraid to ask if he's been shooting lately.
Scout Taylor-Compton MISSING: yeah, a big spike in traffic over that one, as it seemed my blog was the only thing leading people to info, early on in her missing days, before the family went public. What's odd is that my blog drew the attention of (and led to phone calls from) the media... and lots of it. When the NY Daily News calls... well... it's just a little surreal.
girls upset tummy: aww. I have no advice for such. I got some advice for mine, but little of it was gluten-free, and I'd settle for an upset tummy over a migraine any day!
that hot dress: well, if it's one I've had on my bod, it MUST be this one. I mean... come ON! Hot, yo?

Kathy Griffin: ew! Don't look here for her (well, except above, I guess). Deb, I think I thought of someone who elicits in me the Renée Zellweger response you have. It's Kathy "Botox" Griffin. *shudder* (Oh, and upon looking over RZ's IMDB, I have actually seen FOUR movies she was in, but in two of them, she only had one forgettable scene each, so yeah, I guess I really only have seen two of HER movies. Ironic to see the most recent title, considering our Friday night experience.)
Definition: Work In Progress: that's me, baby. That's me.
PS--My nails are so long that I can't type without fat-fingering everything lately. Gluten-free eating has proven sooooo healthy for me. Love it!
PSS--My confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with FOX is still in place from my Paradise Hotel days, so I can't say much, but OMG are the producers LYING in their interviews during Paradise Hotel Revealed on the FOX Reality Channel. Holy bejeebus, are they lying their arses off!! I'll tell you specifically where around May 2006, when I won't get sued for doing so.
Posted by bonnie at 1:52 AM
September 3, 2005
Others Say It Better
There is little to say about the state of natural disaster and speed of government response (vs. fictional WMDs and speed of government knee-jerk) that hasn't been said better* elsewhere. So, I'll just share some sillies.

Build your own church sign (thanks to CoCo, with whom I had an excellent tea date yesterday).

Visit a clever Cooking Monkey (hee hee... munkey), also thanks to CoCo (*she's also one of the ones saying it better).

And cast your votes in the Kitten War, which is simply a rockin' good waste of time, thanks to Ames' link to Cats In Sinks last week.
As for any tales about my brother's visit, those have been shared privately with those who experienced it and today is an official Day of Silence in the Gillespie-Johnson household in an attempt to recover. Thank you to those who joined in the Gas Light karaoke-fest last night. I think, when my brother screamed, "Bitch!" at the top of his lungs at me during my rendition of Piece of My Heart, he meant it as a compliment. *sigh* I am so less broken than I sometimes think I might be. Focusing on the positive, I will just say thank you to the universe for the reminder.
Glad August is over. Glad it's cooler. Glad we raised a buttload of money to send to the Red Cross last night. Glad my brother didn't pee in my wastebasket (thanks again, Keith... for everything).
Yes, the SpyNotebook's Google ads are broken.
Silence is good. Go click on kittens. I know I will.
Posted by bonnie at 6:35 PM
September 1, 2005
More Film News
Okay, so I did the big email inviting folks to the screening for The Moor and got replies back from the producers of several other films I've cast, sharing status updates. Yippee!

Looks like Each To Each has spawned Hombre Kabuki, which is screening on 9/9 at the Breckenridge Film Festival! How cool is that?!? Two films screening in one weekend, both at festivals! I'm such a proud casting director!
In other casting activity, I got word that there was need for a recast on one of the roles in A New Tomorrow, so I hooked 'em up with some help today. Also, still heavy on phones with Teenage Dirtbag casting activities. We should have cast locked by late next week.
Looks like Trees Grow Tall... and Then They Fall will have a cast party/screening in September and a cast member of Queen of Cactus Cove emailed to say she finished ADR today, so that's almost finished too. Ooooooh, I'm so excited to finally get to see so much of my work on screen. Yippee!
Sorry I haven't had a lot of updates lately... just not much time. Let's see what I can address quickly. The book event at Brentano's is now an Acting Qs' event on 9/21, with guests from the book (Yay! Like Inside the Actor's Studio, but in a bookstore). The CD panel for young actors is now in a new location on 11/19. And... my rock-n-roll brother is coming in town tomorrow night. We'll go to Keith's staged reading of a screenplay, then play for a day 'til he has to fly home. Fun!
Posted by bonnie at 12:50 AM