October 20, 2005
Okay, so...
...because I love my sister* (and she says I don't blog enough lately), I am sharing this.
*tsk* *tsk*
(Not sure where that came from. Email?)
*=she's not my sister, she's my heavy. Oh, wait... that's not right either. Well, either way... she said I don't blog enough... so, here!
Having been totally inspired by Rob's blog on the subject, I went old school and Gizoogled myself. Here's what came of it: long bio, short bio, imdbo (all PDFs, all funny).
Oh, and just b/c it's funny...
(That one came from the greatness that is BrYan.)
PS--SAG CAP rocked. Loved the actors. 95% amazing. Casting for Two Dogs Inside is rocking hard. Shrinks is doing a half-off weekend, if you use code 008 at this link (and you should). Finally, our top-secret wedding reception is Sunday, 2pm. We're in charge of the hooch, which means you will be well-plied. So come. ¡Por favor!
Posted by bonnie at October 20, 2005 11:18 PM
That's hilarious! I Gizoogled my voiceover web page... I should send that to agents!
Posted by: Julie-O at October 21, 2005 10:16 PM
Oh. My. Gawd! Howwwwl!!! That is the scariest thing I've ever seen! Yay for blogging more! I love you, sis!!!
Posted by: Debra at October 22, 2005 12:25 PM