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November 30, 2005
Sum of All Years: Who's Next?
So, it seems a few peeps are eager to become a part of the Sum of all Years project, founded by Cliff (AKA "London"--but don't call him that).

Check back to see Hal's, Chip's, BrYan's... and others as they become available.
And do say hello to folks when you stop by. Too many hits to the blog without a "hello" can be unsettling. You'll see, when you're in "the thickest years" of your project.
Posted by bonnie at November 30, 2005 11:51 PM
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My thickest years come about 3/4 of the way through, so I have some time before I see exactly what you're saying. Still... I'm starting tomorrow (12/1) by hook or by crook.
Posted by: BrYan at December 1, 2005 01:32 AM
Who's that handsome looking guy? Cheers Bon, I'm looking forward to reading other people's sums. Someone should have a links page to everyone elses complete pages when they get done. (CJ - not volunteering)
Posted by: Cliff at December 1, 2005 02:47 AM
I actually wrote all of mine last night. I might edit some as they go on but it was totally a lot of fun. Mine are, of course, light hearted and I hardly remember the first few years of my life.
Posted by: chip woods at December 1, 2005 02:45 PM
I can create a links page on the Spynotebook if we want.
Posted by: chip woods at December 1, 2005 02:46 PM
I just finished years 1-26 on mine. It was a bitch to find something interesting that would fit the word count for any particular year, but I still got hooked on it nonetheless!
Posted by: Hal at December 1, 2005 06:39 PM