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November 27, 2005
The Sum of All Years: 06
Dreamed Daddy left.
Then he did.

Posted by bonnie at November 27, 2005 10:35 AM
You know, I had to double take on that one of you at the table a couple of times. I thought it was me. We really looked a lot alike at that age.
Posted by: Joni at November 27, 2005 6:26 PM
You know, I had to double take on that one of you at the table a couple of times. I thought it was me. We really looked a lot alike at that age.
Posted by: Joni at November 27, 2005 6:26 PM
I'm loving this. Now I'm all can't-waity. BTW- I scanned in a bunch of old photos my parents had. Sadly, some years are not represented, but I'll fake it.
Posted by: BrYan at November 27, 2005 7:23 PM
Why am I not suprised we had the same furniture, you and I?!
Posted by: Debra at November 27, 2005 10:00 PM
That last picture reminded me of how I looked as Cathy Brenner.
Posted by: Hal at November 28, 2005 2:42 PM
that sounded much like a postcard on PostSecret a couple of weeks back. Was that you?????
Posted by: Ali at November 30, 2005 3:34 AM