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November 01, 2005

Two Spynotebookers Rock My World

Well, more than that many, really, but I must specifically say THANK YOU to SpyNotebook's own Hamil and BrYan, for kicking oh-so-much ass. Truly. Worshipful am I!

Oh, and I think I will rise to Chip's Day in the Life Challenge. Prepare to be bored.

Posted by bonnie at November 1, 2005 06:10 PM

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Aw, thanks. It means a lot to me to be a world rocker, but in this particular case, I still feel like I only really rocked a mountain or two. Not a whole world.

Posted by: BrYan [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 1, 2005 09:15 PM

I might have to do the day in my life thing (which I've thought about doing in the past before seeing that), but some day when I'm not just sitting around doing nothing and then going to pizza hell. where's the fun in that?

Posted by: Aimercat [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 2, 2005 11:47 AM