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January 26, 2006
On This Day In Casting History
I received my letter of intent for casting Wanderers of the Wasteland (FKA Swirl) from the amazing Visualize This team;
three directors who are reviewing the script for Retribution (the crime drama shooting in Upstate New York) have come back to me with interest;
the morning has been filled with final messenger deliveries for casting suggestions from the "big agencies" on How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone in anticipation of my meeting with the Hyphenate Films guys this afternoon.

And the new office looks AMAZING. Surprisingly, I think the "new den" is going to be my new favorite getaway. It's like a library. Little TV for DVD/VHS-watching, speakers from the household sound system (so we can do the whole XM, CDs, radio thingy), all of our non-industry books for pleasure reading, windows on two sides of the room, the lovely ceiling fan, and all of our TOYS! Yeah, that's going to be my new favorite in-home getaway.
One casualty from the redesign: our fax machine. No biggie. I bought it in May 2001 for $30. It's time to upgrade.
Thanks for all of the comments, everyone! I'm so glad to hear from y'all! More updates when I have more than a moment's break. Ack! There goes my SixHundy alarm--letting me know it's time to structure today's A-list actor casting presentation. Woo!
Posted by bonnie at January 26, 2006 10:52 AM
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Just remember us little folk when you're rich and famous. You rockstar.
Posted by: Ed R at January 26, 2006 04:42 PM