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February 28, 2006
Looks like I'm not the only one who didn't sleep last night.
I happen to really like this episode-naming-pattern post over at TV Squad.

And this. A bunch of ol' white guys sitting in front of Chip's initials. Yes, one of them is Darren Star.
I think I will attempt sleep now, seeing as I have a big ol' couple o' busy-ass days stretched out here in front of me, one of which begins in about three hours. Happy faT to the Uesday. All of my audition sides are now officially über-organized. Yes... I will do anything to avoid starting on taxes. Ugh!
PS--on Friday, someone who lives in my house will be 40. Hint: it's KEITH. Oh, wait. That's not a very good hint, is it? Hmm... okay, I'll see if I can come up with a better hint after I get some sleep. *zzzz*
Posted by bonnie at February 28, 2006 8:00 AM
Happy Birthday to Keith. Get some sleep.
Posted by: Ed R at February 28, 2006 10:15 AM
Neener, neener, neener!!! TeeHEE!!!
Posted by: Debra at February 28, 2006 2:33 PM
wow. that is a big day to mark.
its a good reason for a big party!
Happy Happy!
Posted by: Suzer at March 1, 2006 8:25 AM