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February 16, 2006
Word Cloud
While I'm far more familiar with the brain cloud (greatness), Becca has now turned me on to the word cloud.

This one was created using the most common words from the BonBlogs. Righteous!
I'm getting ever-more-healthy. Slowly. On the road to... well... ville.
Posted by bonnie at February 16, 2006 04:09 PM
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What?! No 'Ed' in that wordcloud?? Hrmph. ;)
I'm probably going to watch Airheads tonight. If I get time to sit on the couch that is.
Posted by: Ed R at February 16, 2006 05:54 PM
Oh, and you need to be IN Wellville.
Please hurry.
Posted by: Ed R at February 16, 2006 06:27 PM
I LOVE JOE VS. THE VOLCANO. How great is that movie? I remember hating it the first time I saw it. I don't know why, but I just hated it. Like, totally irrationally. And then a couple of years later I was with my stepmom (not PAM) and she had rented J vs. the V, and I remember thinking, ug, I can't believe we're gonna watch this dumb movie, and then we watched it and I was shocked at how wrong and stupid I was the first time I had watched it because it is a BRILLIANT movie. Makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me want to go off and have an adventure, sweeps me away, makes me want to fall in love--you know, it does all of the things a really good movie should do.
Posted by: Erik at February 16, 2006 06:41 PM