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March 16, 2006
A New Thing
So, I totally forgot about this, but in the spirit of my NBF KiKi and his Year of New Things, I made a note of a new thing I did while in San Diego.

Ready? This is actually very exciting. The new thing I did while in San D (or, at least the new thing I NOTED doing while in San D) was... *drumroll, please* eat at Outback Steakhouse.
Exciting, no?
PS--Thwok is back on her trip of licking all of the glue stuff off the unsealed envelopes around here. What IS that?!?
PPS--Holy crap, that was fast. I just put the word out that my SAG LifeRaft Seminar was up for RSVPs before we left for the SAG CAP event. While there, I learned that we already had 75 RSVPs. Now... the event is FULL. We had 160 at last year's event. Yikes! And... cool.
Posted by bonnie at March 16, 2006 5:30 AM
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at March 16, 2006 10:45 AM
I thought the Next New Thing for you was a tatoo on the bottom of your foot, for a moment.
I LOVE the Outback. I recommend the baked Potato Soup with bread to start and Alice Springs Chicken with Steamed Veggies instead of Aussie Chips as an entree. The Entree at least won't have any flutens- grilled chicken and bacon with steamed veggies.
Posted by: Ed R at March 16, 2006 11:08 AM
It makes me so happy that you cropped this photo of my foot at the bottom so that it doesn't show my dirty heel anymore!
And we have a specific time set for our date! Whoo-hooo!
Posted by: Erik at March 16, 2006 11:35 PM